Pass or Fail Ch. 10

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Hisoka had finished his roast beef which he was confident tasted like shit. When he'd looked over to Kiyo's station, he saw the boy pouring something into a mini spray bottle. He must have gotten it from the table of supplies in the center of the cooking stations. "What it that Kiyo~?" Kiyotaka glances up at him before returning to pouring in the remaining contents and screwing the lid shut. "Are you sure you want to know?" "That is why I asked isn't it?" Hisoka was a bit annoyed he was getting such a round about answer. "Would you like me to tell you, or show you?" "Show me!" "Okay, you asked for it." "Wait wha-!! Ah!"

Hisoka yelled out in pain, closing his eyes "what did you just spray in my eyes?" "It's basically pepper spray, it'll irritate your eyes until you wash it out. (Hisoka was standing still, hands at his sides and a dead pan look on his face. As dead pan as it could be with his eyes tightly closed and throbbing) Guess you have to go back to the river to wash it out." Hisoka could hear Kiyo sarcastically shrug his shoulder then move back to the stove, no longer paying him any mind. "You really are a scheming kitty Kiyo" he said, no longer enjoying the stinging sensation in his eyes. He turned and went back to the river, appearing back at the station in what was less then a minute. "That was fast." Came the disappointed response of Kiyotaka. Hisoka came up behind him and watched what he was doing over his shoulder. "What exactly did you make that foul stuff for?" "A means of non combative self defense. So don't pull anything funny." Kiyo said aiming the bottle over his shoulder at Hisoka again, who, in response, quickly moved to look over the other shoulder. "Kiyo~ I enjoy your company but my patience isn't endless, do mind yourself." "We'll see." This boy was going to be the death of his patience. It was worth keeping him around, but all the control he thought he had was about to go out the window.

"ALRIGHT! TIMES UP! BRING YOUR DISHES UP!" One by one everybody brought up their dishes. Hisoka going up towards the beginning and getting both judges disapproval. He merely shrugged knowing it was going to happen. Every person got 1 or 2 marks of failure. Not a single person could make it past both judges, of course that was intentional but still. After the 5th to last person went, Kiyotaka brought his dish up and placed it in front of the judges. When Menchi looked at the dish she could see the the complexity of the dish compared to the rest. She could smell the fats and spices that made her mouth water. While maintaining a straight face, she brought one of the little wrapped bacon tacos up to her mouth. Before taking a bite she's happen to notice Kiyotaka looking at her with dead eyes that seemed to be starring down her soul. The look made her extremely uncomfortable, but she peeled her eyes away from him and back to the food in her hand. She was a bit hesitant to take a bite. The other dishes had all been bad or at least not good. She nervously bit down but, before even biting all the way through, she shoved the rest of it in her mouth. Buhara dumped half the ball plate into his mouth. They had started to chew quickly, but after Menchi made eye contact with Kiyotaka she forced herself to slow down. This however only allowed her to further taste the dish presented to her. She was determined and and vengeful, but this dish was really testing her commitment.

She finished chewing and gave her mark of failure to Kiyotaka. She watched him shrug and walk away. "Wait!" She called after him perplexed. "You're satisfied with my answer?" "I was warned this would happen so I'm not really surprised. But I do intend to pass the other half out to reveal your true intentions. (He paused) Even if I was to be the only one that passed. I saw what crossed your table." The other contestants who'd been listening were either embarrassed or grew angry at the cocky sounding Kiyo. Hisoka only stood delightfully laughing at the entertainment that was being provided to him. The angry ones snatched the treat of the platter when it was offered to them. All of them taking an angry bite followed by a face of bliss, before the plastered a scowl n their face and finished the rest, not wanting to admit that their dishes were nothing to them. When Kiyotaka got to Hisoka he skipped him and gave one to all the others. Some bloodlust was accidentally released on his part and the people surrounding him took several steps away from him. Eventually, when all the treats were gone but one, Kiyo stood in front of Hisoka, offering him the last one. "Did you do something to it?" Without missing a beat Kiyotaka responded "I poisoned it." Hisoka's hand stopped before he could pick up the treat. He looked at Kiyotaka, not being able to tell if the boy was serious. There was plenty of time for him to poison it. The question is, did he really take to opportunity to? Hisoka took a gamble and took the dish, biting into it and throughly enjoying the burst of flavors in his mouth. Kiyotaka just watched him and after a minute took the spot next to him letting a quiet yet frustrated "damn." Out under his breath. "What's wrong Kiyo~? Did you want that one?" "That's not it" he said as he pointed to a participant that 'suddenly' collapsed, foaming at the mouth. Hisoka stood in place. Kiyo, his new play thing, had tried to poison him! He'll have to be careful from now on ... or maybe he could put it to good use. His shook turned to a smirk.

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