Unlucky Meeting Ch.1

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It had been a long day in the office for kiyotaka, and he was just getting home. He was 19 now, he graduated high school as an A-Class student a year ago. As a result he got a job straight away. It was an ordinary job, for an ordinary person. At least that's what he told himself. He has still had a terrible time trying to break most of his white room habits. That happened to be the thing on his mind when he and his car went flying. The car landed upside down, and Kiyotaka's ears were ringing from the impact and chaos of the situation. It took him a few seconds, but he quickly made himself get his bearings together. He reached one arm down to the hood of the car to support his body and protect his neck when he came down, while the other hand made it's way to his buckle. The buckle was jammed, but released after a few tries. The whole time it was becoming harder to move and harder to breath. He slowly pushed himself up, and dragged himself out of the front window of the car. He was happy he was out of the car, but that's when he realized something much worse, and too late to fix. He had a large piece of the car sticking into his stomach. Considering where it was, he could feel that his celiac artery had been severed. He was too far away to get help. He was going to die, and he wasn't going to fight it. He let death take over his body, letting his eyes drift close for the last time.

Or so he thought. After floating in nothing- in darkness, for what seemed like days on end, he suddenly felt like his body was falling. His speed felt like it was only picking up, but he still couldn't see anything. He started to feel a tingle on his head and lower back followed by increasing pain. Kiyotaka winced and reached his hands up to his head. "What the hell?!" He was surprised when he started to feel something foreign on his head. He reached to feel it further and found that there was a pair of, almost uncomfortably, sensitive ears. After fully registering he had ears, he rushed his hands to his lower back, hoping that he was wrong. He was right. He felt the start of a tail at his lower back, and stopped. He didn't want to feel his tail, or acknowledge the strange new features. He was trying to get his thoughts together and figure out what was happening. He was sure that he'd died, but then how was he still conscious? Where was he? Had he been saved, and this is just all some dream before he woke up?

He was partially right. Pulling him out of his thoughts was a small bit of light that got bigger and bigger. Eventually it consumed him. Kiyotaka expected to wake up in the hospital, or even just next to his car, he was not expecting to wake up and already be falling. He just died, and there was no way he could survive falling from this height. After realizing that fact, he accepted it quit quickly and started to look around. He was falling above a forest, so there might be a slim chance for him. In the distance he could see a town. It didn't look like anywhere in Japan, and it looked way to 'behind the times' to be anywhere he knew about, and he knew every city in the world. He had since he was 5, so where the hell was he? He was falling and in the trees now. He was trying to steadily slow his fall using the trees while also avoiding injury. It would have worked if he wasn't going so fast from so high up, and if the last tree (the most important one for his landing) didn't have rotten limbs, he might have made it unscathed. He couldn't turn his back so he tried to do the best he could to brace for impact, but it didn't come like he'd expected it to.

Hisoka was just walking through the forest when he heard tree limbs snapping above him. He looked up and saw a boy falling, a boy with a very unique aura. Out of curiosity he decided to catch the boy. He was surprised when the boy he caught had a pair of ears on his head. He was even more surprised when he saw them twitch. "Oh~? What do we have here?" He watched the boy blink, then look up at him. "Thank you for catching me." Hisoka was surprised by the expressionless face and voice. It caught him off guard, but also intrigued him. This boy had almost fallen to his death, yet he had not even a trace of fear or even thankfulness. While he was thinking, the boy had wriggled out of his grasp and stood about 9 inches shorter then him, which put him at around 5'5. Hisoka watched as the boy began to walk away with out another word. At least he would have if Hisoka hadn't grabbed him by the back of his collar. "And where do you think you're going? Hmm~" Kiyotaka was a bit confused as to why this person was stopping him, but he knew he probably shouldn't get on this guys bad side just yet. He could sense his strength and his bloodlust. Neither of which he figured he'd be fond of on the receiving side. He also had to be careful because he could sense something he couldn't before. He didn't know what it was, but he could smell it both on himself and on the man that was currently grabbing him by the scruff of his uniform. At that thought, he took a quick glance at himself. On second thought, what used to be his uniform. It was now a bunch of ripped up cloth just barely managing to stay on his body. Back on track though, the scent was different for each of them, and left a trail.

Kiyotaka turned around, Hisoka let go but kept his hand slightly extended in case the boy tried to run off. Before he could say anything to him, Kiyotaka grabbed his extended hand and pulled it closer to his face. He was trying to identify what it was he was sensing and smelling. "What are you doing?" Hisoka's voice caught Kiyotaka's attention and he froze. He'd gotten so carried away he actually started sniffing someone's hand. Maybe the new appendages and senses were affecting him more then he thought. He immediately dropped Hisoka's hand. "Nothing." Since his shirt had been released he turned around and tried to walk away from the man in front of him. Hisoka just rolled his eyes at the boy's second attempt. Even though the boy was out of his hands reach, he wasn't out of reach of his bungee gum. He'd connected the bungee gum to Kiyotaka's wrist. When kiyotaka kept walking, he found that his wrist couldn't more forward with his body anymore. He also notices that the scent on he first smelled on the man was even stronger now. When he turned and looked down at his wrist he saw what it was he was smelling. It looked like a rope wrapped around his wrist and connected to the other man's finger. But it was strange because the rope looked pink, and the pink color looked like it was wafting off the rope and into the air. It truly was something totally new to Kiyotaka, and he'd have to adjust fast. He'd quickly taken a glance at the man before looking back down to the rope that was around his wrist. At first he'd tried with his free hand to untangle it from himself. "That won't work~" He heard Hisoka coo as he looked up to see the amusement in his eyes. That's when he saw Hisoka slightly move his finger in an upward motion, the weird looking rope moving with it. That's when he felt like he was being pulled forward. He tried to face Hisoka and dig his heels into the ground, but it wasn't enough. Then he figured if using his hands to undo the rope didn't work, he'd use his teeth, which he could feel had been sharpened since his most recent near death experience. As soon as he bit down on the rope his taste buds practically exploded. He almost felt overwhelmed by the amount of information he was receiving. Through the taste of the nen he was able to process and learn what it was that Hisoka was doing and how to do it himself. The problem now was, how was he going to get out of this mess?

A/N: I hope Y'all liked the first part!! I'm really excited to get this story up and running. As always, if you have any, I would love and appreciate all your feedback! See you in the next chapter!!

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