Didn't Lift a Finger Ch. 30

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"But" Hisoka started causing the two boys to look back up at him, "You're not ready for the 200th floor" "What! Yes we are, that's why we were sent here" "You're not, and I can prove it to you" Killua scoffed, but still followed Gon and put his guard up. "Oh pleas what ca-" froze as a dense pressure was suddenly pushing against them, with Hisoka on the other side. He was blocking them from getting to the check in point, so they tried to push through, but each step against the pressure was even more painful then the last. "Don't. If you keep going, you'll die." "Wha-" "You'll know you're ready for the 200th floor when you can safely walk past me, but hurry up~ times ticking~" Hisoka was right, they had to sign up before tomorrow, that gave them less then a day to pass Hisoka's test. "That was nice of you." was Kiyotaka's only comment on the situation, and it was a sincere one.

"Nice? That's one word I've definitely never heard used in relation to me." Hisoka almost scoffed. "And besides, I can't have them getting taken completely off their feet here, this early." "Hm. Those two are full of potential aren't they." "They are, I want them to grow and ripen so I can see a few fights that can keep me entertained. Who knows (Hisoka shrugged) I might just end up fighting them myself." "Is that really smart? It seems like that would be a waist to me." Kiyotaka asked him. He shrugged again, "I don't currently know, that's why I said 'who knows'. What would you do with them?" "I'd add them to my arsenal" Hisoka smirked "Having weapons as powerful as they have the potential to be, it could mean winning without even lifting a finger." That's when Hisoka heard it. Kiyotaka scoffed, "Please, you should know by now that I an already win without lifting a finger." With that he turned and left Hisoka sitting there in a stunned silence. Kiyotaka had made cocky sounding comments before, but nothing of this level. He got excited. He wanted to see it, to watch from the side as his cute kitten mentally destroyed his opponent, victory being irrefutable.

Hisoka would have this faster then he thought. It had only been a few months and Gido was the perfect target. Hisoka wasn't the only one excited for the fight, Gon and Killua would both be in the audience. Gon had fought Gido and was just officially allowed off bed rest by Wing. Kiyotaka may or may not of planned it that way. The two young boys hadn't truly seen him fight, so they were excited, but would soon come to be disappointed in the lack of physical fighting that actually went on. In fact the whole fight would come to be the most mysterious fight in the history of the arena.

Hisoka was with Kiyotaka before his fight, "I know you don't need luck, so I'll just say this, make it entertaining and destroy him for me, yeah?" Kiyotaka looked over to Hisoka and nodded, "I can do that." With that Hisoka made his way to the stands and silently took a seat next to Wing, making the two boys on the other side of the man's student jolt with unease. Leaning forward to look at them Hisoka said, "No need to be so defensive~ I'm only here to watch your reactions to this fight. It will be most interesting." "Our reactions or the fight?" Killua snapped back. "Both! My little Kiyo said that he would win this fight without even lifting a finger, I can't wait to see how he decides to pull that off~" "You mean he could do it in more then one way?" Wing asked, annoying Hisoka at how observant he was. "It can mean whatever you'd like it to mean." He said aloofly.

The whistle that signaled the start of the fight rang out, drawing in everyone's attention. Both Kiyotaka and Gido were still on opposite sides of the arena, Wing saw something almost unregistrable, it was a shot of nen that went strait into Gido's head. The question was the function of that nen, he didn't know. After a minute Kiyotaka began to slowly make his way towards Gido. Kiyotaka had sent nen into Gido's brain to collect information. The rookie initiation into the 200th floor was clearly brutal for Gido, and he was going to make use of those traumatizing memories today. As he made his was towards Gido he concealed his nen and forcing Gido to see it take the form of the man who had taken his legs away behind him, instilling a subconscious fear of Kiyotaka. As the 'thought' of seeing his past tormentor flashed in 'resemblance' of Kiyotaka, Gido suddenly jumped back and launched almost half of his tops at one time.

Seeing Gido make a move like that confused the audience, why was he so scared? All Kiyotaka had done was walk towards him. Even Wing was confused because he hadn't been able to see the nen Kiyotaka used to create his illusion. The crowd watched as Kiyotaka continued to close the distance between himself and Gido, walking right through the field of dangerous tops, keeping his path straight, not being phased by the tops that zoomed past him, dangerously close to his skin. This act also ruined the illusion Gido had about his tops for future opponents, and while he wasn't the brightest tool in the shed Gido himself realized this fact and, given courage by his rage, began to charge at Kiyotaka. A micro-smirk made it's way onto Kiyotaka's face as he sent out more nen that was invisible even when using gyo. It attached itself to Gido's feet and when Gido was in the right spot, Kiyotaka spoke, "Stop." It was loud and sounded absolute, at that moment the nen latched on Gido's feet also stuck itself to the floor, forcing him to stop his charge. The whole audience was in awe, they hadn't seen fighting like this, and nen users were even more bewildered because they didn't think something like that was possible with nen. They were just proved wrong, but would find out the hard way that only Kiyotaka was capable of nen like this, and only Kiyotaka would know that it was as simple as a party trick.

Gido was stuck in place, glaring down at Kiyotaka in anger and fear. Kiyotaka was once again still in front of Gido, but only because he was giving his nen time to coat Gido's entire body before speaking once again. "You're pathetic." Gido flinched at the harsh words but his expression didn't change. "Seriously, first that strong little boy" Kiyotaka emphasized Gido being beaten by Gon, a child, "And now you're losing to someone as average as me? What happened? I haven't even attacked you yet?" The fear and anger that Gido had felt just moments before, was being melted into humiliation and embarrassment by the second. Gido wanted to crawl into himself, he hadn't been this embarrassed since his accident. It was terrible. Tears made their way down Gido's face "Seriously pathetic" Kiyotaka spat, "You're not even worth my time, why don't you do me a favor and hit yourself for me, yeah?"

Right as Kiyotaka said that he activated his nen, manipulating Gido's body into delivering a nasty hit to his cheek. Kiyotaka feigned surprise, "Wowww~ (Kiyotaka mocked, it being that much more intense because of his monotone voice) I didn't think you'd be so pathetic you'd actually listen to me. You're far more useless and pathetic then I thought you'd be." Kiyotaka kept drilling that word into his head.

'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' 'Pathetic' It repeated itself over and over again, it was practically ringing and echoing in his head. More tears began to stream down Gido's face, he was hunched over on the floor hitting his head over and over trying to get it to stop, but there was no end to the taunting.

A dark look made it's way into Kiyotaka's eyes. "Hey." He said in the same commanding tone, causing Gido to look up meet his eyes. Gido knew it the wrong choice when he saw the expanded darkness in the boy's eyes, his own widening in fear when he heard what the boy said next. "You're pathetic." A pause "Hey. Why don't you just give up and kill yourself already." Gido let out a primal scream while clutching his head and ripping holes in the mask over his face before slamming his head on the floor. In that instance Gido collapsed on the floor and went still. In fact the whole audience went still, the announcer went quiet, and not a soul dared to move, nobody knew what just happened. Kiyotaka had started the fight with both hands behind his back, and that's exactly how he ended.

The ref. was brought out of his stunned silence when Kiyotaka addressed him, "Um, can you check on him, he hit his head pretty hard." Kiyotaka feigned concern for his opponent. "G-GIDO ID DEAD, KIYOTAKA AYANOKOJI IS THE WINNER" He announced while a medical team came and wheeled Gido off in a body bag. Still the crowd remained silent. That is until lone clapping became audible in the crowd, the source obviously being Hisoka as he made his way down the stands and over to Kiyotaka. He put a hand on his head, rubbing it while smiling and praising him. "I didn't lift a finger" "I know! Good job Kiyo~ I was very entertained" Hisoka praised further. Kiyotaka leaned in to his touch before Hisoka picked him up, like you would a cat, and walked off. Seeing this, Gon, Killua, Wing, and Zushi all rushed off to catch them, a million questions dancing around in their heads.

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