Sadist Ch. 16

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Illumi had gone to let Hisoka know he'd finished the task before resting the rest of the phase. But before he completely buried himself he couldn't help but ask, "you're paying that kid?" "He's only 2 years younger then us. But yes I did!" "Why?" Illumi asked as serious as ever. "Well I was just captivated by him when we first met and he was just about to walk away! I tried everything, even threatening and scaring him, but it didn't work! Can you believe that!? In the end I managed to convince him to stay with me as long as I paid him and he got to chose which requests he followed. Real adamant about that last part to. But it's totally been worth it!" "If you say so."

Illumi was baffled by Hisoka's actions, but when has he not been? With that he retreated into the ground for the remainder of the phase, he might decide to go spy on Killua, but he hasn't decided yet. He was pulled out of his. Thoughts when he heard someone land right next to Hisoka, who hadn't yet moved from his spot. He could hear the talking. "Oh Kiyo!! How is your task going!?" "I'm done." "Done already! I'd expect no less from you! Say, who was your target?" "Some person with a sniper." "And how'd you get the badge? What was the fight like!?" Illumi could tell he was genuinely curious.  He expected Kiyotaka to lie and tell him a grander story. "There wasn't one. I waited till your friend killed him and took the badge off the corpse." Illumi was surprised he didn't. Maybe he is more interesting then he gave him credit for.

Hisoka and Kiyotaka moved on, Kiyotaka keeping a distance as Hisoka began hunting other contestants for sport. That's when he sensed it. The kid with green hair was waiting. Gon was his name. He could warn Hisoka or take care of it quickly, but he was curious as to what Hisoka would do. He knew Gon would be able to get his badge since he was so focused on the old man with grey spiked hair. The curiosity lies in what he'll do after it's snatched from him. The boy timed it perfectly, grabbing the badge with a fishing rod. He'd seen Gon immediately book it,good choice, but not good enough. Hisoka through Kiyotaka a signal to follow him and they took off after the him. They didn't have to look very far because he'd been paralyzed by a strong poison with a man in a funny purple jester looking costume looming over him, ready to kill. Huh. He thought. This will be two birds with one stone. Kiyotaka thought to himself, already anticipating the way this fight would go. He was right of course.

Hisoka killed the man in purple, pocketing his badge. That's when he turned to leave, Gon was clearly confused. "Why aren't you taking your badge back!?" Hisoka laughed. "He was my target, and I've got plenty of extra badges." The he almost sneered out a "so you can keep that one." "But you caught me! I don't deserve it!" Hisoka was amused with the boy, but also slightly annoyed. He walked over to Gon and picked him up, before punching him. Hard. "When you can punch me like that, I'll take the badge back." "Fine! You're on! Just give me a time and a place, you'll see!" This earned a chuckle. "All in due time." Hisoka said as he walked away, Kiyotaka following behind.

Gon felt his consciousness waver as he watched the two walk away. Why would someone chose to follow that guy? Was he being threatened? Did he have someone hostage? Or was this strong, beautiful person just following him around for fun? Before Gon could come up with more reasons for Kiyotaka following Hisoka, he got a response. Kiyotaka, who had walked slow and kept his distance from Hisoka, turned around. His eyes glowed dangerously in the setting sun. "None of the above" he said. "Then why!?" Gon was totally confused. "Because he can give me something I want" "And what do you want?" Gon asked curiously, cautiously. All he got in response was the glowing cold eyes. He was left without an answer as Kiyotaka turned and disappeared out of sight. "What could Hisoka possibly give him?" Gon thought to himself. It was going to eat him alive, make his skin crawl not to know. Kiyotaka knew it would. He may be a little more sadistic then he lets on.

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