Gringotts and Reveals

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Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his messy black hair. He glanced at the clock and saw the hands ticking closer and closer to midnight. It was almost his birthday, minutes from the moment he'd turn fourteen and Harry couldn't sleep. There was an itching beneath his skin. The tingling feeling had been getting worse and worse over the past year, waxing and waning throughout. Now it was worse than ever. But no amount of scratching would help and Harry didn't think that a muggle doctor would be able to help, maybe someone at Saint Mungo's would know but he couldn't exactly get there now.

The clock struck 12 and the itching exploded. The shadows in the corners of the room began to creep towards him and dark tendrils crawled from his hands. ' what the... what?' Harry blinked at his hands and tried to stop the shadows. But they continued to flow out and expand around the room. Harry felt his breathing increase in speed as something snapped inside him and as the itching died, the shadows grew. Oh no, he needed to get this under control or it would wake his relatives and they would not be happy. "Breathe Harry, in... out... in... out. Keep calm and focus, Harry." Lupin. Lupin's voice repeated the advice he'd given Harry during their patronus lessons. Slowly but surely the tendrils receded and the shadows fell back to the corner of the room. Harry felt something tighten inside him again, but it wasn't uncomfortable, just present.

'What in the world was that?' That had never happened on a birthday before. The shadows that had crept towards him were still now and there was nothing on the skin of his hands to explain what had happened. But something in the air felt different, changed. He hadn't imagined that, something had happened, but he had no idea what. And no idea how to find out what. Hermione might know... but she would want answers as to why he was asking and until Harry knew what had happened he didn't think telling anyone else would be a good idea. "Breathe." REMUS! Of course, Remus would know, he would answer the question without any of his own.

Harry quickly pulled some parchment and a pen (he refused to use quills unless he had to) and began writing a letter to Remus. But how to phrase it?

Hello, this is Harry.

I hope this isn't a bother.

No, too formal.


Something terrible happened. I don't understand.

No, too panicky.


I need your help. On my birthday... I can't really explain it, there were shadows all around me. I don't understand, please help.


Not perfect, but better. Hopefully Remus wouldn't panic too badly. They hadn't exchanged many letters in the past month but Remus had promised to always be there when Harry needed him, since Sirius couldn't be.

He walked over to Hedwig and tied the letter to her leg, she hooted softly and looked affronted at being forced to fly now. "I know girl," Harry muttered, running a hand over her feathers, "but I need answers." She still looked annoyed but seemed to accept that Harry really needed this letter sent now and she hopped towards the window. "Remus Lupin Hedwig, I don't know where he is but I know you'll find him." Hedwig hooted once more before taking flight. Hopefully Lupin wouldn't be too far away.

He wasn't. Hedwig returned late the next day, a new letter tied to her leg.


Meet me at the Leaky Cauldron.



What? Harry flipped the letter over but that was all it said. Nothing? Not even a slight explanation? And how was he supposed to get to the Leaky? But Harry wasn't very forthcoming himself in his letter, and it would be easier to explain what happened in person... it couldn't be too hard to convince Petunia to let him leave. It wasn't like she wanted him around the house anyway. Harry sighed, ran his hand over Hedwig's feathers and then flopped down in his bed. Mind drifting to the tightness inside him again.

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