Reading and Family

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Harry was with Remus in the library after dinner that night. Remus was still reading the same book he had been earlier but Harry had found his boring and so was now looking through the library shelves to find something else. ' A History of the Wizengamot' Harry read, seems boring. The next few books on the line all had titles in latin and Harry passed over them without a thought. Then finally he found one that looked interesting. 'Classifications of Magic' . Harry took it off the shelf and flicked through a few pages, yes this one would work.

Harry took a seat beside Remus on a small sofa by a fire. Harry opened the book and read through the introduction before finding the part he was most interested in.

The classification of magic is something that many scholars debate to this day. However there are some criteria that distinguish whether magic is light, dark or more commonly neutral.

Dark magic is classified because of its connection to emotion, many branches of dark magic draw their power from the casters own emotional connection to the spell. The branches of dark magic that many of our British readers would know include; Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and most notably Potions. Potions is the only branch of dark magic not classified as such because of its emotional origin but because many of the ingredients used in potion making require death to acquire.

Harry paused in his reading, "Mipsy?" He called softly. There was a popping noise and the little elf appeared in the room.

"Yes Harry?" Mipsy asked.

"Can you get me some parchment and a pen?" Harry asked. He noticed Remus glance up from his own book for a second before returning to reading. Mipsy clicked her fingers and the parchment and pen appeared before him. "Thanks," Harry smiled, which then turned into a smirk as he looked at Mipsy. "Have you decided if you want to be paid yet?" He asked softly.

Mipsy shifted on her feet. "No sir," she said.

"Alright," Harry smiled softly at her. "Keep thinking." He winked at her before she popped away. Harry clicked the pen open and began to note down the things said in the book so he could check them over later and remember them. When he finished noting down what was said he opened the book again.

Light magic's classification can sometimes be even harder than dark magic's. Dark magics connection to emotion can make it easier to classify while light magic's only notable characteristic seems to be that it transforms or changes the object or being the magic is cast upon. The most notable examples of branches of light magic are Transfiguration and Charms. While some classify Divination magic as light others argue that it cannot be contained by a single classification.

Harry scribbled some more notes on the parchment in front of him before continuing to read.

As stated in the opening paragraph of this chapter, neutral magic is the most common classification of magic due to the fact that it is easier to say that branches of magic are simply there instead of trying to fit them into the more strenuous boxes of light and dark. Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Divination are all forms of neutral magic that are taught at all magical schools around the world.

Harry nodded to himself as he wrote that down. It made sense that neutral magic would be the easiest to classify.

"What are you reading about?" Remus asked.

Harry almost jumped, somewhat forgetting that his godfather was there. "Oh umm... magical branches."

"An interesting topic," Remus nodded. "I always enjoyed trying to find ways the make it easier to classify magic, James would help sometimes."

"Really?" Harry asked, putting his pen down.

"Oh yes, James loved magical theory, he even thought about becoming a professional magical theorist."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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