Lunches and Courts

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Remus was already waiting in the dining room when Harry and Severus entered the room. He tensed slightly when he saw Severus but relaxed when Harry smiled and greeted him. Harry walked directly to the head of the table, having finally processed that he had to start meals. Remus sat in the same seat he had at dinner before, greeting Severus with soft words. Severus only responded with a nod, taking the seat two down from Harry on his left. Not exactly opposite Remus but not so far that it would be considered a disrespectful distance from the lord.

Harry let them sit in silence for a moment, watching Severus clench his hands in discomfort. Then he clicked his fingers, as Remus had instructed for lunches, and the meal appeared on their plates. Remus and Harry dug in instantly, Severus being slightly slower. Harry watched him eat, trying to spot differences in poise and posture that might be important to know for formal events.

"Severus?" Harry said after a minute of eating.

"Yes?" Severus looked towards him.

"Does your house have a potions lab?" He asked. Harry caught Remus' eyes widening and the slight furrow of his brows when he noticed where Harry was going.

"No," Severus said slowly. "I have no need for a personal lab, the Hogwarts lab works fine."

"Hmm," Harry nodded. "But you would appreciate the ability to brew without having to travel to Hogwarts, would you not?"

"I suppose," the professor narrowed his eyes.

"There's one in the manor," Harry waved in the direction of the basement. "As you know I am not the best potioneer, so I have no use for it. You are welcome to use it whenever you feel the need."

Severus stared at him in silence for a moment. "You are offering me your potion lab?" His voice was softer than Harry expected.

"Yes," Harry smiled. "Of course you will need permission to be in the manor but I do not believe that will be a problem."

"I... I am thankful for your generosity Master," Severus bowed his head.

"No need for thanks," Harry waved off Severus' words. "You are offering me advice and loyal service Severus, it is only right you get something in return."

"Still thank you Master," Severus said. Harry smiled and let them sit in silence for a few moments.

Remus broke the silence. "Harry, I was wondering if you had written that letter we discussed?"

Harry looked at him for a moment before he registered what Remus was trying to ask. "Oh... not yet no. I was going to do that later tonight." He had been putting off writing the letter to Sirius since he had decided to write to him. Something was still awkward about writing to the escaped prisoner. Unlike with Remus, who Harry had spent an entire year with, he had only had a few hours with Sirius and still didn't know much about him. Even the few letters that Harry had exchanged with his godfather he still didn't know barely anything about him.

Remus seemed to understand what Harry was thinking without him having to say it outloud, as he always did, and hummed. His dark eyes flicked to Severus and then back to Harry as though asking a question. Harry picked up on it quickly and gave a small subtle shake of his head, Severus didn't know about Sirius. Well, anymore than Fudge, who had also been in the hospital wing when Harry had first awoken and tried to tell the truth. His godfather tapped his fingers against his glass a few times, then seemed to decide to continue that particular conversation later. "I read a very interesting book earlier," he said instead.

"About what?" Harry asked.

"Wizengamot structure and how the laws are passed," Remus sighed. "I never thought I would have to know it before so I never looked for the information but now I guess I do." He explained.

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