New Home

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Harry was awoken by Remus calling his name. He blinked open his eyes to see Remus seated on the edge of the bed, a tray with bacon and eggs in his hands. "Breakfast cub," Remus smiled.

Harry sat up, "thanks." He took the tray, letting out a soft moan when the taste of bacon filled his mouth.

Remus let Harry eat in silence for a moment before he spoke. "We should go to Gringotts, look over your accounts and decide what to do next... and you should probably write to your family, tell them where you are."

Harry scoffed, "they won't care. I doubt they've even noticed I'm missing."

Remus' brows furrowed in concern, "Harry... what do you mean?"

"They never wanted me," Harry shrugged, "they'd be happy if I never came back."

"Oh Harry," Remus said, he moved closer to Harry and placed a hand on his arm, "that's awful."

Harry blinked up at him, "I know—" he swallowed— "I mean, I always knew it was wrong but when I met Ron and the Weasleys... I knew. I know."

Remus nodded, "good. Well..." he seemed to think something over for a second, "I'm sure we can find a better home for you, Potter Manor is available I believe."

Harry's eyes lit up, "I own a manor?"

"Yes," Remus laughed, "multiple probably but we won't be sure of the number until we check."

Harry jumped out of the bed, barely managing to stop the breakfast tray from hitting the floor. "Then let's go!"

Remus' eyes were sparkling with barely contained laughter as he took the tray, "let's."

It was too early for many people to be out so there were less people in Gringotts than there had been the day before. It made it easy to walk up to one of the tellers and ask to see Griphook. His account manager was waiting in his office, two folders before him. "Lord Potter, welcome."

"Hello Griphook," Harry waved as he and Remus sat. "These are the account files?" Harry nodded to the folders.

"Partly," Griphook nodded. "The Potter and Peverell folders, I have informed Gornuk of the fact that you are visiting this morning." He opened one of the folders. "House Potter," the goblin slipped the file across the desk so Harry could read it.


Account Manager: Griphook

Lord: Harry James Potter


Vault #: 687, 672

Potter Trust. Vault #687.

Ꞡ1,000; Ꟊ1,500; Ꝅ500

Potter Family. Vault #672.

Ꞡ1,983,476; Ꞩ2,018,396; Ꝅ1,829,482; Potter Family Wands; Potter Heirship Ring; Potter Heir's Crest


Potter Manor

Location: Norfolk, England; Property Size: 100 acres

Inhabitants: 1 House Elf; 1 Kneazle Pride; 1 Pack of Murtlap

Last Occupied: 1979 (Lord Fleamont Henry and Lady Euphemia Glinda Potter)

Potter Cottage

Location: Devon, England; Property Size: 92 square metres

Inhabitants: uninhabited

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