Grounds and Questions

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Harry waited a little while before heading down the stairs and to the sitting room where Remus said he would be. Remus was almost completely curled up on the couch when Harry entered, a book clutched in his hands. He looked up when Harry walked over, "I heard Severus leave, the meeting went well, all things considered?"

"Mhm," Harry hummed. "I still don't trust his loyalty..." he paused for a moment. "Or him to be honest. But I suppose it's better than dealing with Malfoy or Nott."

"Much better," Remus agreed. Then he smiled slightly and shifted so he was sitting up, feet on the floor. "Now, I promised you a look at the quidditch pitch." He smiled.

Harry let out a cheer and Remus chuckled as he put down the book and took Harry's hand to lead him outside. "As I said, I am not a flyer myself," Remus said as they reached the back door. "But I know you love it, so I'm sure you'll make use of the pitch."

Harry had seen the backyard from the windows but this was the first time he was actually out here. It was gorgeous. There were flower bushes and other beautiful plants in different groupings throughout the yard. Harry almost gasped at how pretty they were, Petunia would be jealous. Remus led Harry through the gardens along the green grass.

Every few steps Remus would glance back at Harry, but he didn't seem to know how to say whatever it was that was on his mind. "What?" Harry eventually asked.

Remus bit his lip. "I was surprised you were so kind to Severus," he eventually said.

Harry furrowed his brows. "I wasn't that nice..."

"You offered him your potions lab, before you even confirmed his information was correct or useful," Remus' voice was slightly exasperated when he noticed Harry's still confused expression. "Harry, Severus was horrid to you... for years... he gave you some basic information and you gave him your personal potions lab! You should not have offered it, not so soon. Not without compensation for how he had treated you."

Harry paused and blinked at him. "I thought it would make him more loyal..."

"It might," Remus nodded. "But by giving him a gift so soon, before you know for certain he recognises your authority even when not in your sight... it may be seen as... gentle."

"Gentle," Harry repeated.

"Gentle," Remus confirmed. The gardens before them opened up and Harry caught sight of a tall pole beyond Remus, they had reached the pitch. "I know you have a gentle heart Harry, it is one of your most admirable traits, but Dark Wixen don't see it like that. Gentleness is weakness and you cannot let them believe you to be weak."

Harry bit his own lip in thought. Maybe he had been too nice to Severus... maybe he had made it seem like he was gentle, beyond the one time he had 'punished' Severus for interrupting him, Harry had not really made his true distaste for the man known. "Don't worry yourself about it now Harry," Remus said when Harry didn't respond. "The broom shed is over there," he pointed to a small shed beside the pitch.

Harry nodded and began to walk in that direction still lost in thought. Though the fact that Remus seemed to know he would need to fly to clear his head, did make Harry smile before he fell back into his reverie.

 Though the fact that Remus seemed to know he would need to fly to clear his head, did make Harry smile before he fell back into his reverie

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