Titles and Research

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"How exactly do I do this?" Harry asked, eyes on the golden ring before him.

"Simply place the ring on your hand and magic will confirm you as Lord," Griphook explained. "As account manager for the Potter and Peverell estates I can summon their Lordship rings from the vaults. I will however require consent from Manager Gornuk to retrieve the Slytherin and Gaunt rings, and Manager Ragnok for the Gryffindor Heir Ring."

"The Lordship rings go on your left hand, Heirship on your right hand," Remus explained as Harry took a breath and reached for the ring. It was a , golden with three large rubies set in a row and diamond placed between them. Harry turned the ring in his hand, spotting words carved into the inside as he did, Militia, Familia, Amor. Harry took another breath then slipped the ring onto his pointer finger. It began to glow softly and Harry felt a shock run through him. Then the light faded and Harry saw Remus smile slightly.

"Good." Griphook nodded sharply, then waved his hand and made another ring box appear before him, "House Peverell's ring. I will also send notes to the other account managers and retrieve the rings."

Harry reached for the this one was also gold, but a deeper shade. A large onyx stone was laid in its centre. When Harry looked closer he saw some kind of symbol carved in the centre of the stone, a triangle with a line down the middle and a circle in the centre. "The symbol, what does it mean? and the words on the other ring."

"The carvings on the Potter ring are the house words. Militia, Familia, Amor  Chivalry, Family, Love," Remus explained, "as for the symbol. It is the sign of the Deathly Hallows, they have always been associated with House Peverell." When Harry cocked his head in question Remus smiled, "I will explain what they are later."

Harry placed the second ring on his finger, it was a tight fit and made it difficult to bend his knuckle. Another shimmer of light and shock of power. Harry looked back up at Griphook who was reading over some notes with narrowed eyes. "I have received leave to retrieve your rings, though Gornuk and Ragnok have not given leave to discuss any further information on those accounts."

"That's fine," Harry shrugged, "I can go to them after."

"Tomorrow," Remus said, "we should eat, and there are some books you need to read before getting any more information on your estates."

Griphook and Harry both nodded in agreement. Griphook again waved his hand to summon the rings and three black boxes appeared before them on the table. The goblin flicked open one of the boxes. Inside sat a with a snake of slytherin carved in the centre, an emerald was interlaid on either side of the carving. "Slytherin," he whispered as he picked up the silver ring. Like the Potter ring there were words carved into the inside of the ring, Ambition, Rusé, Puret é. Ambition, a word Harry didn't know, Purity. Of course. Harry slipped the ring onto the middle finger, it was too large to fit on the pointer, where he'd placed both the others. This time the shock of power that ran through Harry actually made his back tense up and a shiver run through his shoulders. A hissing sound filled the air for a moment before fading.

Harry turned to Remus, "the third word on the ring, Rusé , what does it mean?"

"It's french for cunning," Remus said. "Ambition, Cunning, Purity, the words of House Slytherin."

"Purity?" Harry scoffed, "what do you think the previous Masters of House Slytherin would think of a half-blood taking the title?" Remus chuckled and smiled at Harry.

Harry turned to take from its box. It was silver too, and carved in the shape of a snake with small emeralds placed around the entire ring. Harry ran his fingers over the metal, stopping near the mouth of the snake which was open with a carved symbol on the flat joint. This must be the Gaunt ring and crest. The ring was small so he had no issue in sliding it onto his little finger. Instead of light there was a flash of dark shadows from the ring before it faded and Harry felt the power settle, just as it had with the others.

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