12 - jealousy

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A pounding headache swirling inside my mind caused me to wake up, I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and the sun was beaming through the windows. My head was rested on the couch seat, I lay spread out. Now noticing that Daryl was not beside me. I slowly sat up and glanced around the surroundings, now able to see them since it's not night anymore.
"Daryl?" I called out, which resulted in no response. I stood up with the blanket still draped around my shoulders as I could notice someone standing beside the window. The man looked extremely different, I managed to walk towards the door and opened it, leaning in the doorframe to see Rick standing with no beard. "They said explore, come on let's explore,"

"Nah i'll stay," Murmured the introverted man sitting down with his back against the porch fence.

"What's going on?" I asked as the two best friends looked towards me in unison, only just realising I was there.

"Nothin," Spat Daryl as he continued sharpening his hunter's knife.

My eyes met with Rick's and I was a loss for words as my mouth fell agape, then attempting to stifle my laugh but end up failing. "You look.."

"Oh shut up," He chuckled shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"You look very nice Sheriff Grimes," I crossed my arms and laughed as he looked down to his shoes, thinking of a response while he rubbed his forehead.

"You too Mrs Dixon," He joked with a devious grin, he looked back up to me causing a slight smile to grow on my lips as I playfully slapped him on the shoulder.

"Shut up Cowboy, you should get back to your exploring," I pointed at the group now wandering down the streets engaging in conversation.

"You should get back to your husband," He glanced over to Daryl who kept his head down almost in shame.

"Rick!" I complained, my cheeks now turning to a pink flush as I felt my face grow warmer.

"Only joking," He chuckled, pulling me in for an unexpected hug causing Daryl to now look up and glare.

"Wow you are a changed man," A sarcastic smile curved on my lips as he let go of me, turning away and jogging towards the group.

I let out a small chuckle to myself as I looked over to Daryl, a frown was on his face as usual and his eyebrows furrowed. "Should've gone with him," He muttered just loud enough that I could hear.

"Why would I do that?" I crossed my arms yet again and looked at the man about 3 metres away from me.

"So you'd leave me alone," The words escaped his lips as he avoided eye contact with me.

I let out a scoff and dropped the blanket which was draped over my shoulders, "Fuck you Daryl," I muttered under my breath unaware of he could hear or not. I stormed away from his porch and jogged over towards Rick and Carl.

"Rick!" I called out as he stopped for me to catch up with their family.

"Thought you'd stay with Daryl," He asked me, raising an eyebrow as I grit my teeth slowly out of annoyance.

"I thought the same, but he just wanted me to leave him alone," I responded with a sadder tone in my voice.

"He's like that with everyone," Rick shrugged glancing behind his shoulder to the man himself.

"Not me, he's never like that with me" I mumbled, as we began to walk slower distancing ourselves from the group.

"Have you done something?" Rick questioned me raising an eyebrow once again. A habit i've recently noticed him to do.

"Nothing, he was fine last night and just went distant this morning," I let out a sigh, biting my nails from worry.

"speaking of last night.. did you two..?" He whispered in my ear.

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