Rose thorns

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Cold summer evening on my daily stroll through the neighboring graveyard to visit my father. It's always so empty and gloomy. Even on the brightest summer days, you would think it would reflect in the graveyard, but no. It always has a grey hue over it, almost like there's a dark cloud hovering over it. But the eerie aura of it is comforting, the feeling like I'm never really alone. It should frighten me away, but i only want to get closer.

The many tall trees casting shade over an already dark area is somehow just how i want it. Ethan calls me asking where I am. He tells me he wants to go out and get some dinner.

Me and Ethan have been dating for a while now, we're basically official, but I can't commit to a relationship yet, not that I don't want to it's just that I can't for some reason. I feel like there's something stopping me
He offers to pick me up, but I decline, I want to walk home to finish my evening stroll.

As I was walking out of the graveyard, I thought I caught a glimpse of someone, almost looked like a shadow or a ghost. It spooked me a bit, but not enough to deter me away. I'm usually the only one in the graveyard except for the occasional sighting of the old graveyard keeper Philip, who tries his best to upkeep this practically abandoned graveyard. It's hard for him in his old age, but he does his best.
I maybe thought it might be him, but deep down, I knew it was someone else. I wouldn't find that out till later. When I went to investigate.

I found no one. looked like they left something behind. Maybe they dropped it, or it was left intentionally for me to find. Just a rose, dark red rose. It's thorns were cut off, and there was a black ribbon tied into a bow on the stem. I wasn't sure if i should look for the shadowy figure and return the rose, I decided, however, it best that I just left it at the entrance gates of the graveyard for them to find.

I got home, and Ethan was already there waiting for me in the driveway. I got in his car and told him about the shadow figure who dropped the rose. He told me I was stupid for going for going to look what it was, that I should be more careful. He didn't want me to end up in one of those teenage slasher movies where only one girl survives, which obviously would not be me, I guess.

We went and got some cheese burgers and drove to our favorite spot on top of a hill where you can see nothing but the brightness of the night sky. There was a full moon out. The moonlight lit the area around like a street lamp.

I'm always in awe of the beauty in the night. I would say its beauty can often be quite overlooked. I don't remember the last time I ever really looked up and acknowledged it. We finished eating and talked about our day.
I had that strange feeling again like I always get in the graveyard. We weren't alone, were we?
I asked Ethan if he also had that feeling. Surprisingly, he thought so, too. He's the smarter one and suggested we leave before it's too late when we find out what it was that was stalking us. He told me I shouldn't be going alone on my evening strolls for now. He told me he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen and was concerned that I wouldn't be able to defend myself if I went out all alone.
We've had this conversation time and time again. I'm not going to change something in my routine because he had a "feeling".

When I got home, the house was empty. I have one roommate, Sophia. She was usually home at this time. I didn't think much of her absence. I put on some pajamas and turned on a movie in the living room.
There's a window behind the couch, and every time there was a dark scene in the movie, I would see the reflection of the window. There was someone standing there looking at me. I looked out of the window and saw nothing and realized it was just probably the movie, so I just shrugged it off as paranoia. Then again, the same figure. I'm not a paranoid person, but there was definitely someone out there watching me.
I texted Ethan and told him I thought someone might be looking in through the window. He immediately called me and told me he was on his way. I told him it was probably nothing, maybe just a reflection of something that had an outline of a figure.
He told me I should be more careful and vary of my surroundings. His intuition was telling him something was wrong.

He sped to get to my house. He ran to the door but hesitated for a second. I opened the door, and he was standing by the living room window looking down. He picked something up and looked at me with horror and concern. I could tell there was something very wrong by just looking into his eyes.
He handed me a rose. The same rose from the graveyard. Where did you get this I asked him with a quivering voice. He told me it was left by the living room window. He told me I was staying with him tonight and told me to pack my stuff and get in the car. For once, this eerie feeling is not so comforting.

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