Lingers of the past

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I let go, and he slowly loosened away from me. I took a step back and looked around me to see if I remembered the way back out of the graveyard. He took my hands into his. "It hurts me to love you, but I always will." He said quietly so as not to erupt into tears. His eyes were full of pain and suffering.

I remembered him all too well now. I was truly unhappy during those years. I was isolated and all alone. I needed an escape from home only to be locked up again. My father was suffocating me, so I jumped into the arms of the first encounter of freedom, only to find that was just a moment of bliss. As everything does it came to an end, and I was back to the beginning.

I took my hands away from his and told him how I felt during those times. I wasn't afraid anymore. I wasn't afraid of him. I wasn't afraid of what was to come.
"You are so obsessed with chasing what was then that you forgot to look around and see what is now." -"I'm sorry I wasn't more upfront with you those years. But just know I did truly love you, just not the way you needed." I told him lightly. His pain and sorrow quickly turned to frustration. His face changed, and he looked terrifying. But I stood my ground as I felt him radiate anger. I was a bit startled to see how quickly his mood changed.

He grabbed me back and told me he had come so far, and he thought he had finally obtained me again. I tried my best effort to get away from him again but struggled to loosen his grip. I knew i was fighting a losing fight, but I wouldn't give up, I never will. I cried out to him to let me go. He got something out of his pocket, and I was out again.

- - -

My dream continued from the one I had when I was about to go greet the person who had entered the house. I had stood up and looked at my reflection. Then, someone else walked into the living room. It was my father. He looked at me distraught. He told called me I was a disgrace and no daughter of his.

I instantly knew he was going to attack me, so I ran and grabbed a candle holder and threatened him to get out, or I would use it as a weapon. He grabbed a pocket knife from his jacket. He kept taking a step closer to me, and I couldn't back any further. he had cornered me in the living room. He was about to stab me with the knife, but I took a swing at him with the candle holder, knocking him down. He struggled to get up but wasn't about to stop. I gave him another warning as he stood back up.

He dropped the knife and got out a bottle and started pouring it all over the place and then he took one of the lit candles on the fire mantel and threw it on the floor, lighting the fluid he poured on the floor on fire.

I ran towards the living room door. He grabbed my arm and tried to drag me back. I still had the candle holder in my hand. I took one last hit at him, and he released my arm. I knew for a fact he wasn't dead, though. I ran out of the living room and out of the front door. I looked back at the living room window and saw it was engulfed in flames. My father stood in the window as the fire slowly consumed him along with the house all together. His face haunted me. He didn't have any expression on him. His eyes were so dark they reminded me of a dark and empty bottomless pit. You didn't know how far it would go and if it would ever end. I didn't stay for long looking at the house now engulfed in flames. I started walking down the road to wherever it led me.

As the sun was setting fast and I got into town in the pitch black night by some miracle. I went over to Melinda's house. I knocked on the door. The door slowly opened, and she welcomed me inside. I told her something had happened and that I couldn't go back. She calmed me down and told me to stay in the guest bedroom, and we would talk about it in the morning.

The next morning, I told her I just needed a fresh start. To get away from it all. I needed to take control of my own life for once. She encouraged me to do so. She talked about how this was my chance for a new beginning. Not everyone got such an offer. She would be in a different place if she had gotten the chance to, she explained with grief in her voice as she said so. She lended me some money and a change of clothes and told me to get far away. To beginn fresh.

- - -

Damien was driving again when I woke up in the back seat. I looked out, and it was already pitch black outside. I didn't want to agitate him if I tried asking him questions, so I just kept silent.

It wasn't long until he parked the car and got out. I couldn't see where we were. There wasn't much around to see anyway. He opened the back door, and I got out hesitantly. He took my hand and walked me towards a lake.

The moonlight had been barricaded by tall trees and could only shine once we were by the vast lake. I could see there was a small row boat parked on the bank. He lifted me into the boat and told me to sit down. He then pushed the boat onto the water. The boat rocked around a bit, and he got into the boat, almost tillting it into the water. He took the two oars that had been laying in the boat and started rowing forward.

He stopped rowing halfway on the lake and looked at me. I was so scared that my heart was beating out of my chest and sinking to the bottom of the lake. I thought this was it. He's going to drown me or at least sink me to the very bottom of the lake where no one will discover me. I looked down into the lake, wondering how deep it went. I could feel Damiens eyes still looking at me. "I don't matter to anyone, but when I'm with you, I feel like belong again." He said with a whimpering voice. I didn't want to look at him, so I kept staring down into the lake. I felt his hand on my face, guiding me to look back at him. He kept his hand there for a moment.

I recognized that familiarity again in his eyes. Glimmering like the moonlight shining down on us. When I looked into his eyes, I felt serene. I felt as if we were back in time. The days we were enamored with each other, the time before the fall, when we were so in love. I had tears running down my face that I hadn't realization were there.

He took my hands and placed them in his. He went into his pocket and reached out and grabbed something. He placed it in my hand and looked back into my eyes and asked me to be his forever. I looked into the palm of my hand. It was our old engagement ring.

Damien:"Marry me, Evelyn. Let me be yours forever, and you'll mine forever and always."

I wasn't sure what to say to him. One second, I thought it was the end, and now the next he's proposing. What if he does end up drowning me if I don't say yes. What if I do say yes. What if we can actually live out our happy ending. Maybe we can start again. Maybe this was another real chance. Maybe it meant freedom.

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