Greatest loss of them all

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I was still in immeasurable pain. He had grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it next to me by the couch. He sat beside me and started telling me how stupid that was of me. He didn't think I would make it that far after I cut up my leg and was surprised when I kept going. You were following me the whole time I asked him. "You never were alone," he answered. Even in the state i was in, those words chills down my spine. Why am I here I asked him. "I thought I had already answered that for you. "Stop answering with riddles then." He sighed and told me to get some rest and stop getting up to mischief. I wasn't sure I could sleep with the pain that I was in but felt myself swiftly fall asleep.

I woke up on the couch, covered by a blanket he had placed on me while I was sleeping. He wasn't there, but he had left some toast and yogurt on the coffee table for me. I slowly lifted myself up. I couldn't feel pain in my leg anymore, so I had ease reaching the food. I finished eating hurriedly. I hadn't drank much, and he didn't leave me a glass of water or anything, so I tried calling out to him with no answer. I wasn't sure if it was safe for me to stand up yet, but I was too thirsty not to try. The kitchen was right there, so it shouldn't be that difficult.

I tried standing up but fell down on my face. I then decided to just crawl into the kitchen. I got to the kitchen and couldn't find any glasses or cups. I looked up into the glass cupboards and saw that the glasses were kept there. There was no chance I was making that. I gave up on getting a glass and crawled my way to the fridge instead. I found some juice and drank it straight from the carton. I finished it and threw the carton across the kitchen floor and laid on the floor for a few moments.

I could feel the pain in my leg slowly getting back. I was crawling my way back and was already in the living room when I heard the door open. We just stared at each other as I stopped crawling. He looked surprised to see I had the strength to be moving around.

His hair was a mess for the first time ever. He looked like he had just woken up from deep sleep. He asked me what I was doing. His voice was much deeper than usual. "I tried calling you, but you didn't answer, so I just did it myself. " I anwsered.

He helped me back up on the couch and told me I should have waited for him before I decided to crawl all over the floor. "Desperate times call for desperate measures," I told him.
"What were you doing anyway?" He asked. I needed a drink. I told him. "Again, you should have waited or called me again." I just rolled my eyes at him, to which he smirked back.

The pain in my leg had come back now. I tried controlling my breathing as I panicked when I felt a sharp pain hit me once again. He ran into his room and then into the kitchen and gave me another pill and some water. I took it quickly, almost choking on the water.
I laid down and stared up at the ceiling, wondering where my life was and what happened that ended up bringing me here. I felt a few tears roll down. He left again into his room.

I didn't know if anyone was looking for me. I wondered how Ethan was doing if he was going to be discharged from the hospital soon. What did Ethan think of me when I left. What if he hates me now because I haven't visited him. What if he didn't make it through the night. What if Damien went back and finished the job.
Once again, I was crying. Damien ran out of his room and asked me what was wrong. I sat up and answered him back.

Jade:"What isn't wrong. Everything's wrong. You kidnapped me. You almost killed my boyfriend. And now look at me. My leg is killing me. "

He looked at me like he didn't understand what I said. My words were worthless to him.

Damien:"I already gave you a painkiller it should start working soon."

Jade:" You're avoiding the main problem here. Let me go. Let me go to a hospital at least..."

Damien:" I can't... you know I can't do that" -"besides, I already took care of the wound for you. You should heal without much problem. You might get a scar, but you won't lose your leg."

Jade:" How could you be so sure about that. You're not a medical professional. You can't determine that, and you're still ignoring why you're keeping me here."

Damien:"I've had my fair share of experienceses. You need to rest now, or your leg won't be getting better any time soon."

He left to his room again. I wasn't tired and I didn't want to go to sleep again. I just looked around. What if these were the last moments in my life. Who were the robberers? Was it coincidence? Was there someone else stalking out the house and didn't know that Sophia was still there and panicked and killed her? What happens now. Does the police think I had something to do with her death? Do they think I attacked Ethan? Does Ethan think I attacked him? My mind is filled with questions that go unanswered.

I silently cried and wondered back at all the beautiful moments in my life and all the wonderful times I had. I saw how many missed opportunities I had let slip away. What about my college degree. I won't be graduating anymore if I don't get out of here soon enough. What more could I do to escape. My leg doesn't work, and he keeps track of me like a hawk watching its prey.

I had fallen asleep in my deprived thoughts. When I woke up, he was sitting beside me on the kitchen chair. He had his head in his hands and looked down at the floor. He looked worried, like something was bothering him.
He suddenly jerked up and saw I was awake and smiled. "What's there to smile about?" I asked him sarcastically. He didn't answer me, just looked back at me ecstatic. "Why do you look so happy?" I asked him, curious as to why he looked so upset just moments before. He told me he had some news for me. Good or bad, I asked. "Well, it depends on how you look at it." he said. I started getting worried.

Jade: "Either you're about to kill me or you're letting me go."

Damien:"Why would I kill you. You think I went through all this trouble to keep you just to let you go again."

I frowned back at him.

Damien:"I didn't know that I had it all. I faced the greatest loss of them all when I lost you" -"There's never a warning for when you're about to fall."

When did he lose me? When did he ever have me to lose. If every fall came with a warning, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here.

Damien:"I'm not losing you. I made sure of it this time."

I sat up and looked at him, confused and terrified of what he meant by that. Did he kill Ethan. What has he done. I couldn't really move a whole lot, but I tried my best to get further away from him as far as i could go on the couch. He didn't seem to recognize how terrible he sounded and what I was feeling. He didn't understand why I was terrified of him now.

Damien:" I'm not going to hurt you. You know that. -right?"

Jade:"it's not me who I'm worried about."

There was a long silence, and he broke eye contact with me and looked down again, looking at his hands.

Damien:" I won't do anything unless im forced to. I'm not intending on scaring you "

What does he mean he didn't intend to scare me. Isn't that the whole purpose of threatening me. Also it's a little too late for that. The first night when Ethan found the rose by the living room window at home was just the beginning of a terrifying journey. My fall, he could say, but not understand that he was the one dragging me down.

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