Granting deliverance

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Damien:"I'm sure you have already figured out that there's nothing you can do. There's no way for you to leave unless I let you."

He took my hand and placed it in his. I felt my eyes tear up. He was right. But there was still hope for me out there. I just had to figure out how to capture it.

Jade:"You can lock me up. Take everything I have. Break me down and push me away. But I'll always have that hope for freedom."

Damien:"You can tell yourself that, but you know I'll always be right there with you."

I took my hand back and stood up and looked down at him.

Jade:"What don't you understand. You're only making things worse for the both of us," -"I don't know who you are, and I don't intend to stick around to find out."

Damien:"Where are you going to go then if you think you can just leave. The forest stretches miles, and you won't be finding any neighbors around here either."

Jade:"Why are you doing this to me. This is not going to make you "get me back", as you say. You're only pushing me further away, Damien."

My eyes were streaming tears, and my vision was blurry. I wanted to walk away, but I could barely stand anymore. I stumbled a few steps and then fell down. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn't focus on what I was seeing anymore. I just laid on my side, waiting for the pain to wear down. I could hear Damien going somewhere in the background and coming back. He sat me up and gave me another pill and forced me to drink water with it. I laid back down on the floor. I couldn't see anything but a black void, so I just closed my eyes.

I woke up, and I was in the backseat of his car. He was driving. He looked tired like he hadn't slept for a while. I asked him where we were going. He ignored my question and told me to get some more rest. It would be a long drive.

I looked out of the window and saw that we were driving by a field. On the other side was a forest. I felt like I had seen this road before. He hadn't driven this way before the other times, though. I've never been much of a traveler, not even at home, so it was unusual for me to recognize a random road. Maybe I had seen it in a picture or something.

I fell asleep again and dreamt I was in a different time. I was a guest at the home of the woman in the painting. We sat in the kitchen drinking coffee together. She had aged, before she looked like she was around early 20's, now however she looked like she was in her late 30's. She spoke softly and with elegance. Her clothes looked worn down and old even for the surroundings. We had been speaking about her son, something about him getting offered a job out of town.

Someone else entered the kitchen. It was Damien. He greeted her and called her his mother, and then he turned to me and kissed me on the forehead.
I noticed before I was wearing the same promise ring Damien had given me in the dream. Damien said to us he wouldn't stay long and that we (as he referred to him and I) had to get going, that there was a lot of moving we had to do. We said our goodbyes, and as I was saying goodbye to the woman, I heard myself call her Melinda. She wished us good luck on moving.
She called me Evelyn when she said goodbye. Damien's name stayed the same, which I felt was strange for some reason. He didn't look any different in the dream either, but I could see I had dark blonde hair in the dream. My hair is a darker brown in reality.

I woke up and the car was parked, but Damien wasn't in the car. I looked around, and he had parked in front of a motel, it seemed. He had a lot of trust leaving me in the car like that.

I unlocked the car door and took a deep breath of fresh air. I looked to see if anyone else was there. It was pitch black outside, and there were very few lights around. I didn't see anyone, and there was no sign of Damien either.

I stumbled out of the car and wondered if I would be able to make an attempted run for it. Just as I had worked up the courage to sacrifice my leg and run, Damien was back.
I sighed in disappointment. "You weren't really going to run away like that, were you?" He said and laughed.

I looked down at my leg and saw there had some blood gotten through the bandages. I could feel a bit of pain but not as extreme as it had been hours before. "How long was I asleep?" I asked him. "Few hours." I was sure I wasn't getting any sleep tonight then, but Damien, on the other hand, looked exhausted. "We're staying here for the night." he said. "Great." I anwesered back with enthusiasticall sarcasm.

He helped me hop into the motel room.
He had already opened the door. The lights were still off, so I just tried to navigate where the bed might be and almost tripped and fell over something in the dark. I managed to save myself before I fell and finally stumbled to the bed. I turned on the lamp beside it and saw that Damien had left. I looked to see what I had tripped on the floor and saw it was just a shoe. A shoe? Was he shoeless?

I realized I could maybe climb out of one of the windows when he would be sleeping. I looked to see if there was a window in the bathroom, and sure enough. Perfect placement for me to reach and fit through. I came up with a plan to pretend to fall asleep, and when he was sleeping, I would sneak into the bathroom and climb out of the window.

Damien came back, and he looked like shit. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even keep his eyes open. He laid down beside me and immediately fell asleep. I turned off the lamp and decided to wait just a few minutes to be sure he was sleeping.

Around 10 minutes had passed, and I started to embark on my journey to escape. I dragged myself into the bathroom and slowly closed the door. I kept myself as quiet as possible, ignoring the pain.
I checked to see if the window would open far enough for me to fit through. Seemed my luck was looking up because it was perfect.

I started climbing and I heard a quiet russel in the other room. I quickly finished climbing and dropped down onto the ground. I accidentally landed on both my feet, so the pain was now astounding. I couldn't stop now. I had to keep going.

I slowly closed the window and walked towards the side of the building where I hoped to find a receptionist. I made it to the side  of the motel, but didn't see any receptionist. I kept walking and saw a light shining through. I practically ran to it. I made it to the door. I had my hand on the door handle, and I heard a voice behind me.

Damien:"You're leaving?" He said in a calm and tired voice.

I didn't look at him and kept going. The receptionist asked me what it was I needed. I looked behind me to see if he was still there, but he had left. I turned back to the receptionist and told him he needed to call the police. He looked at me and asked what was wrong. I just repeated myself like he didn't hear me the first time. He picked up the phone and dialed 911, and handed me the phone. I explained my situation and how I had escaped. The 911 operator asked where I was, and I looked at the receptionist waiting for an answer. The police wouldn't be there yet. It would take them around 15 to 20 minutes at the very least to get there. I handed the phone back. The receptionist didn't even see fazed, just another thursday for him.

I slowly sunk down and sat on the floor, unsure if Damien would be back or if this was really the end. What if he escapes? He clearly has enough time to do so. What about Ethan. Will he come for Ethan now? Where even was I.

20 something minutes later after waiting for what felt like forever, the cops finally arrived. I explained everything to them. They took me to the hospital, and I got my leg looked at and some medicine. I was so distracted the whole time. Questions flooded my mind and worry that Damien would come back, even if I had was surrounded by cops. What would happen now. Is it over? Is Ethan in danger now? Will he ever be caught?

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