Lifes occasion

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I graduated from college last year, and I am working to get a better job now. The opportunities should open up more to me now that I have a degree.

Ethan gave me a promise ring last year, but a month after we broke up. I decided to take a break for myself and not jump into another relationship right away.

I've moved into my own apartment with no roommates. I like the feeling of being alone. I also got a guard dog. He doesn't actually do much in regard to guarding me except for deter the people walking by him away.

I frequently get spooked when I feel like someone's watching me, so I keep all the blinds in my house are closed during all hours of the day. I have worked up the courage to open them a little bit during the day. My dog Enzo loves that. He goes to the window in the living room and starts barking at whatever that moves. When it comes to actually confronting whatever he was barking at, he curls his tail between his legs and runs back to me whining. He is so precious, but he doesn't have a clue what is going around him 99.9% of the time unless he's getting treats. That's the only time he'll be brave.
He's helped me tremendously coping with my trauma, even if he can't guard me for even half a treat.

There's been no sighting of Damien. It's like he vanished into thin air. I haven't gotten another rose since I found the last one on my father's headstone. The police stopped looking for him, and people stopped recognizing me from the case in the news. I'm still having reaccuring dreams about that woman. I also get nightmares that Damien has returned. All he does is haunt me. In my dreams, he lurks in the shadows watching my every move. He never does anything. He doesn't even move. But just recently, I had a dream. He stepped out of the shadow, and he looked through me with his haunting eyes. When I woke up, I was crying. Enzo curled up to me and started licking my tears away. I was still afraid every now and then that he would suddenly decide to show up or leave me another rose. But for now, I was coping as well as I could.
My friends also reminded me that they would beat him up for me if he ever dared to show up again.

I was very happy where I had gotten in life, even though I had all those hardships and trauma to work through. Even though I had bad days and then other great ones. I was proud of myself and also my dog Enzo for being brave at the vet visit the other day.

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