Immersing for change

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I sat at the end of the couch. I felt like there was a box surrounding me, keeping me from moving and slowly suffocating me. Every breath I took became heavier. I wasn't sure where my life was headed anymore.
He claimed he wouldn't kill me, so that means he is willing to keep me here tortured alive, either physical or mentaly. I'm not willing to stay for either, even if I do eventually escape, what is there to hope for in the outside world. My boyfriend, who isn't even my boyfriend? We hadn't even made it official yet because I didn't want to commit to an actual relationship. We were already in a relationship, though. I was never felt it was right to label us together... I was afraid.
I should have. I should have done it all differently. I shouldn't have been so afraid of his commitment.

I got lost in my own thoughts. I didn't see a future for me anymore. The police would never find me here either. We were in the middle of nowhere. They must have looked through the surveillance cameras at the hospital and seen him dragging me into his car. There must be some hint that suggests I'm missing. They have his license plate.
I can't lose hope, though. I can't afford it.

-Evelyn? He called out. He sounded like he was looking for me in a crowded room and wasn't sure I was even there. I looked him in his bright blue eyes. They were the kind that you felt look into your soul every time you would look into them. Terrifying and fascinating with a haunting familiarity to them.
He must move on. He has to let me go. It's my only hope for freedom, even if freedom means nothing really changes.

Jade:" You have to let me go. There's nothing I can do or say that will break your fall." I said quietly and added -"You lost me once as you say, but you never gained me back."

I could tell there was a small spark in his eyes that went out when I said that. His eyes glimmered with tears. He stood up and added "Well, I had hoped now was the time I could get you back, but it seems I have lost you for good."

Jade:"What were you expecting. Haven't I made it clear enough that this is not the way to go about it. You've taken everything away from me. The little life I had. I was happy. I was doing okay." -"You let me go now, and I won't press charges. I won't even go to the police. I'll pretend this never happened." I pleaded with him.

Damien:"But it happened, and it's happening as we speak. You can't ignore the past"

Jade:"I could say the same to you. You need to move on from the past. What was is over now."

He was angered by my response. Luckily for me, I was no longer as frightened of him as I was before. I had nothing to lose in this fight. Either he lets me go, or he kills me.

He stormed off into his room. He left the door open, which was unusual for him. If I got up now and tried to walk out, he would definitely see me, but I had nothing to lose, so I stepped up. I hobbled my way to the front door. I looked back, and he was standing in the doorway, just looking at me, letting leave. I opened the door and stumbled out and sat down on the steps on the porch. I couldn't go any further than that, not until my leg had healed. This was as much freedom as I could get.

I stayed out there as the sun set. I could see the light slowly fade away into the darkness of the night. I could feel it getting cooler outside and wondered if I should turn back inside. Suddenly, Damien was there. He sat down beside me. I didn't hear him opening the door or even the sound of the wood creaking from under his steps.

Damien:"I didn't finish what I was going to tell you before."

He expected me to answer back, but I ignored him and stared down the road in front of us. There was a brief silence between us.

Damien:"I was hoping I would get you back some way. I can never make anything up to you, but I can get you back. I guarantee you I'll get you back." -"Even if things won't be like they were before."

Jade:"I'm not an item or an achievement you can gain."

Damien:"I realize that." -"I thought maybe you would like to see Ethan. He's been discharged from the hospital."

Jade:"Why would you trust me to see him?"

Damien:"There's an exception. You get to see him and chit-chat a few words. No detailing or telling about this or even about me. While you chit-chat with him, I'll be waiting for you to come back."

Jade:"That's it."

Damien:"If you don't return or we get followed, others will have to pay a hefty fine."

That one way of him saying he's going murderer someone to keep me. Not that he hasn't already almost done that. I don't think I can see Ethan under these circumstances. What if this is all a trick of his. I guess I'm happy to know that Ethan is out of the hospital. Wait, how would he know that Ethan was discharged? Does he have connections in the hospital? Well, that doesn't really matter anymore now, does it.

Damien picked me up and walked inside and went into my designated room again and set me on the bed. I curled up, leaving my left leg straight for comfort. I hadn't realized how cold it had gotten outside until I was back inside. Damon placed a blanket over me and told me to rest and that we would be leaving tomorrow morning. He left, and I heard him lock the door. What was the purpose of locking the door if I couldn't even walk properly.

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