Chapter 3

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Izuku can be seen in one of his sister's bedroom finishing packing everything with Pochita next to him. Currently Mao and Grethyl were in baby holders facing him on his back sleeping. Mao was drooling onto his back. He then picked up the last two boxes and carried them out front for them to be taken to the moving truck. He then pulled Mao and Grethyl to his front and patted their heads as the sisters and girls were putting stuff in. He then also saw Power and Toga getting the dogs into the back of a truck with Meowy also jumping in with Pochita being picked up by Toga and sat in there.

Beros: "Is that everything"

Izuku: "It should be just waiting for Daki Hina and Umaru to come down with their things. Nimona start getting your sisters into their seats please"

Nimona: "Aye aye captain"

He handed her Mao and Grethyl and she put them and the others in the van as they kept sleeping now with a mini Izuku plush to hold on to. Hina Daki and Umaru then come out struggling to pull out their suitcases.

Izuku: "Here I'll get those"

He picked up both their suitcases as they ran to the van and were then seated.

Nimona: "Everyone is accounted for boss"

Izuku: "Thanks Nimona"

He put the rest of the things in the moving van and closed the back door. He gave Beros a kiss and she hopped in the moving van to drive while Izuku got in his van with Nimona in the passenger seat with Daki in her lap. He looked back to see Nayuta in the middle left seat. Umaru in the middle middle seat. Nezuko in the middle right seat. Hina in the back left seat Grethyl in the back middle seat and Mao in the back left seat. He then began driving to UA.

He then also stopped at a McDonald's and got everyone some brunch. They kept driving until they arrived at the dorms. The rest of Izuku's girlfriends then also arrived. Power opened the back door to the truck and the dogs one at a time came out with Meowy laying on top of Akira and Pochita chasing after Nezuko Hina and Daki. They began to just roam the front yard as the doors to the dorms open to show Nezu Midnight Aizawa and three others.

Nezu: "Good you made it"

They watch as Izuku is letting his sisters out unstrapping them from their seats and setting them onto the ground except Mao and Grethyl but putting them in his baby carrier in front of them. Then he grabbed apple sauce and began to feed them.

Midnight snickers a little but found it wholesome too as well as one of the other three people.

Izuku: "So this is UA. Cool. Who are those three"

Aizawa: "These are my first year students Nejire Hado Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki"

The three: "It's nice to meet you"

Izuku: "Likewise. Now where's are room I have to put these two as well as Nezuko Hina and Umaru for a nap"

Nezu: "Yes this way"

He followed them as the others kept an eye on the pets and kids. They went up the elevator and it opened up.

 They went up the elevator and it opened up

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