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"Baby" Ben walked into the house with the boys "Do I smell cookies"
They walked into the kitchen and Miranda and Pru were making a mess of the kitchen

"We're baking cookies" Pru smiled "Try" She pointed to the cookies sitting on the baking sheet. Ben grabbed one and smiled. They were soft and the chocolate was nice, warm, and a bit messy. He grabbed a few more and leaned against the counter. Tuck and Joey also grabbed some cookies

"I will ignore your dirty hands on those cookies" She glared at them

"They're not dirty" Joey looked at his hands

"Mhmm" She just added more cookie dough to another baking sheet

"What's the special occasion" He asked

"Happy place" Pru smiled

"I quit" Miranda wiped her hands on her apron and put more cookies in the oven
Ben nearly choked on his cookie and looked at his wife.

"You quit" Tuck stared at her

"As in you quit being chief or you quit doing surgery" Joey asked

"I handed in my keys to that office and don't plan on stepping back foot in that hospital any time soon" She happily mixed more cookie dough

"Are you serious" Joey asked

"Yup" She nodded "I refuse to let that hospital kill me. I need to think about my health and my family so I quit" She looked at Pru "And now I'm baking cookies with my daughter"

"So what you're just going to be a stay-at-home mom" Ben asked

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do. So far all I had planned was bake cookies with Pru" She took the next batch out of the oven and set them on the counter

"Good first step these are delicious" He reached for more but she tapped his hand shooing him away
"These are for Pru's preschool"

"Well no matter what you plan on doing. I support you" He kissed her cheek

"I could make good use of my treehouse" She smiled

"Yeah you could" He nodded "I have some ideas"

"That tree house is for reading Ben Warren" She pointed at him sensing what his ideas entailed

"And I was going to suggest what you could read" He chuckled lying through his teeth but wanting to be appropriate since their kids were standing there.

"After this get ready for dinner" She looked at them

"All we see are cookies. What's dinner" Tuck asked

"I'm ahead of you, it's on the way" She smiled "So wash up"

"Yes ma'am" The boys went off the wash their hands for dinner

"Come on you let's get this dough off you" Ben picked up Pru

Miranda cleaned up the kitchen and opened the door for the delivery. Once she got the food she set the table and laid the food out. Her sons soon joined her

"Smells wonderful" Tuck looked at the food spread out. Steak, broccoli, and potatoes

"We're going to eat like royalty" Ben walked in and put Pru in her highchair

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