A New Nickname

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The sounds of moans were quickly replaced with the sounds of yelling and screams echoing throughout the house. A day of pleasure turned into a nightmare.

"Okay, I'm dressed let's go" Miranda walked over to her husband. She threw on sweatpants and a hoodie on top of her nightgown.

"Where the hell am I going to go? My penis is broken" Ben writhed in pain on the bed

"I'm sorry, but we need to get to the hospital now" She walked over to put his robe on him

"A robe" he looked at her "You want me to go to the hospital in just a robe"

"Well Ben forgive me for not thinking you wanted to get fully dressed"

"I don't" He groaned "This really hurts. Damn," He clenched his teeth and tried to move but was paralyzed in pain. "I can not move"

"Want me to call an ambulance" She asked

"Oh hell no" He shook his head

"Well, Ben what do you want me to do? You may need surgery"

"Okay, come here and slowly help me up. Then let's get in the car and head to Seattle Pres"

"Oh no we're not"

"What do you mean? Miranda my penis is broken and you just made the obvious declaration I may need surgery. What was your plan"

"Catherine Avery"

"Catherine Avery. As in go to GreySloan" His eyes widened

"She's in town so why not get the best"

"Because I can not go into that hospital with a penile fracture. Miranda" Ben groaned

"Ben you need help" She walked over to him and slowly helped him off the bed. He hollered and groaned as he did so. He grabbed his pants and slid them on carefully while closing his robe.

"Not GreySloan. You're the chief of surgery. What would they say if your husband comes in with a penile fracture"

"Benjamin Warren. Catherine is a urologist. This is your penis we are talking about. I am not just letting anyone operate on you"
She grabbed an icepack before helping him to the car and drove to GreySloan. He groaned getting out. Both from pain and from being at GreySloan. Luckily when they ran in the ER it wasn't too busy.

"Bailey" Richard greeted her and looked over at Ben
"What's wrong with him"

"Help me get him into Trauma 1 and page Catherine"

"No" Ben groaned "not Richard"

"Oh Ben Warren man up"

"My manhood isn't something you can mention right now" he groaned

"What happened" Richard asked getting Ben into a wheelchair

"Just an accident" Ben groaned "Actually you know what I'm feeling better"

"Oh for heaven's sake Ben Warren quit it you need medical attention" She rolled her eyes. They got him into Trauma 1 and up on the bed.

"I need to do an exam Warren" Richard got gloves
Ben's eyes wandered to his lap with the icepack and Richard's eyes followed but quickly darted back up to Ben's face.

"Bailey can stay if you like"

"Just get it over with" He groaned untying his robe. He put his hands on his waistband and Richard turned around. Miranda put a blanket over Ben.

"Someone tell me what happened," Catherine asked walking in

"Accident by misadventure" Ben groaned adjusting the blanket on him

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