If You let Ben Shenan Once

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"Ben Warren, to what do I owe the pleasure of you dropping by my office" She smirked looking up from her screen to see her husband

"I got bored at home" He shrugged

"Well no one told you to get injured at work" She glared at him

Ben took a misstep during a call and ended up badly spraining his ankle. He was supposed to be home resting it.

"Didn't you ankle get sprained at work" He sat on her couch propping his ankle up "Schmitt had to wheel you around this hospital"

"That was different"

"And how was it different" He asked

"I was an innocent bystander than got hurt in an altercation. You just didn't look where you were walking" She laughed

"Kick a man while he's down" Ben put his hand on his chest "I'm hurt"

"You are hurt and you are supposed to be home resting your ankle"

"I'd rather rest it here with my wife" He looked around her office "You ever thought about decorating in here"

"Ben you are not about to come in here and HGTV my office" She rolled her eyes

"I will be seen and not heard" He nodded laying his head back on the couch

She went back to working on her reports.The room was filled only with the sounds on her fingers on the keyboard as she typed, the sound of her pen, and the occasional sigh. Ben looked over at his wife buried in her work. Her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Ben" She spoke up, looking up at him. Surprised to see him already staring at her "Could you bring me the tablet over there"

"What happened to I'm supposed to be resting" He chuckled

"You found your way to this hospital. You can find your way to bring me the tablet"

"Travis brought me by the way" Ben laughed getting up to grant his wife's request

"Hey, you have crutches where are they" She asked

"I don't need them" He shrugged hobbling over to her "I have a boot"

"Ben Warren, your doctor gave you those crutches for a reason" She scolded him snatching the tablet from his hand

"I do not want to feel injured" He sighed

"And I don't want to be stuck in paperwork instead of being in surgery but we are what we are and you are injured and I'm the Chief"

"Well could you use some help" He asked

"Since you're here" She smiled

He moved a chair over to the side of her desk and sat down in it "I'll be your intern for the day"

"Okay so here's what you can do for me. Read out these numbers and I'll type them in.Take this highlighter and highlight the totals" She looked at him

"Got it" He nodded

As they worked side by side, Ben and Miranda shared stories and anecdotes, lightening the atmosphere in the office. Their teamwork and shared commitment to the hospital's success made the tedious paperwork feel less burdensome. They had made significant progress, thanks to their joint efforts. The remaining paperwork seemed less daunting now.

"I am so grateful for you" She smiled

"You're hot when you do paperwork" He kissed her cheek

"Ben" She laughed

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