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A/N: I love a good soulmate AU ❤️
You got assigned a soulmate as a baby. No one knew how the system worked but it just did. The parents knew of their child's soulmate and could choose for the kids to grow up knowing about their soulmate or wait for their soulmate day. Soulmate day was the predetermined wedding date when soulmates would get married. Some dates were earlier than others.

When little Miranda Bailey was born, her parents looked into her eyes and wanted her to have everything in the world and not worry about a soulmate. So they opted to not find out about her soulmate.

But Benjamin's parents were true believers of the soulmate method and wanted their little boy to know who he was paired with. Unfortunately, because the Bailey's chose to wait. Benjamin just had a name and photos that would be sent to him every year on Miranda's birthday. He couldn't wait to meet her.

Growing up, they were taught about the concept of soulmates and how special it was to have one. A person picked especially for you. Ben loved the idea but Miranda scoffed at it.

"How can a system tell us who to be with" She would ask her parents almost daily

"Because Mandy that's our society" Her mother would always reply

"When can I meet her" Ben would ask her parents almost daily

"Wedding day Benji" His father would always reply

He would stare at her pictures for hours wondering what kind of person she was. What did she like? What were her hobbies? What made her smile? Or cry? Or laugh so hard she cries? He wanted to know everything about her and the wedding day was too far for him.

They didn't know when the wedding day was. Some people had early weddings but some had late ones. He hoped they had an early one. However, as the years went on with being infatuated with a picture Ben decided he could live life a little before meeting his soulmate. He started dating. Although he knew these girls weren't his soulmate and they knew he wasn't their's. But they were both in the group of people whose soulmate's parents opted to not know them.

"Benji sex really" His father crossed his arms. Benjamin had been caught red-handed with condoms

"What about your soulmate" His mother yelled

"Her parents don't even wanna know who I am" He shrugged "She probably doesn't even know I exist. We're probably not even compatible"

"You both are meant to be with each other. The system says"

"And what if the system is wrong" Ben yelled

"Go to your room" His father yelled
Ben had grown frustrated with the system. All his life he was excited to be with Miranda Bailey. But right now she wasn't a real person to him. She was a name attached to a picture. Why waste away waiting for her when life was happening right in front of him?

When Ben's mother died. He went to a dark place mentally. Life didn't make sense to him anymore. He just went about the motions. Going to school. Getting good grades. And being fairly promiscuous because why not? He just didn't care about his assigned one. Until one day his father got the mail.

"Benji" His father knocked on his door

"Yeah Dad" Ben turned around at his desk

"Mail" He handed him a red envelope.
Ben slowly opened it and it was a wedding invitation. To his own wedding.

"But I'm in college" Ben looked at his dad

"You got the early wedding draw" His dad nodded

"I wanted Mom to be there" He sighed

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