Chapter 6

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"My real name is Sean," Dan said to the others as they sat near a pool outside of a motel. "My mother died when I was four. My father was prone to violence. When I turned 18, it was straight into the army, and that's where I met Jade's father and became friends. I dunno. Maybe it was my father's genes coming out, but I thrived. I was a Green Beret. I was at Delta. And then Jade and I's father were approached by a man named McCaffrey. Former SAS. He took our training to a whole other level and recruited us into a special program. It was a chance to do some real good,"

"What kind of special program?" Jessica asked.

"We took out the worst of the worst. Terrorists, warlords, kidnappers all over the world. Ones the government couldn't legally touch,"

"Took out, as in..." Nina asked, teary-eyed as Dan nodded. "Well, how many?"


"You've killed 26 pe–" Jessica started.

"No," Dan whispered. "No, I went on 26 operations. John, Jade's father went on 36,"

"Oh, god," Jessica sighed.

"Thirty-nine people,"

"That's more!"

"Are we including this trip?"

"Total dead people, Dan!"

"Forty-three," Dan said. "They were all bad,"

"You are such a hypocrite," Kyle told Dan.

"All bad people,"

"You took away the one thing I'm good at because there's fake violence, and you're a serial killer?" Kyle asked Dan.

"Dad, you and Jade's father were working for the good guys, right?" Nina asked.

"McCaffrey was a father figure. We trusted him, but we were naive. I mean, it started out legit. But he got greedy and began farming us out as mercenaries to the highest bidder. And as soon as Jade's father and I found out, we left. All right? I fought my way out, but that meant turning against my friends, my mentor, against the only real family that I'd ever known,"

"So they've been hurting you and John ever since," Jessica pointed out, making Dan nod. "I am such an idiot. This is why you're so secretive, why you never wanna go anywhere," she exclaimed.

"Why you're so weird about social media? Why you're so anti-technology," Kyle added.

"Well, with facial recognition software, I had no choice. Plus, I do think that social media is fundamentally disgusting and gross,"

"But now that they found us, what happens?" Nina asks.

"I got it figured out," Dan said as he stood up and took out a few passports. "We're good,"

He then started to hand out passports to each one of them.

"Molly Anderson?" Nina asked, offended.

"At least you got a real name. I'm Van. I'm a vehicle," Kyle pointed out.

"Van?" Jessica asked, offensively.

"Look, we can't go back to Buffalo, all right? Those lives are over. I'm sorry..." Dan mentioned.

"I finally have a life, and you're ruining it," Kyle said as he glanced at Jade with disappointment before leaving.

Jade's POV

As I watched Kyle leave, I decided to follow him.

"Kyle, wait," I called out, making him stop and turn towards me.

"Why didn't you tell me the real reason who your dad was?" he asked, stammering.

"I was scared, Kyle. Scared that you'd see me differently, that our friendship would be ruined," I said as I started to fight back tears.

"You think keeping this from me was the right thing? That lying about your dad being an assassin is okay?" he asked, his voice rising.

"I didn't lie. I just couldn't tell you the truth," I pleaded.

"The truth? You hid something so significant from me, from your best friend! How am I supposed to trust you now?" he asked, angered. "How am I supposed to know if you're like your dad?"

"I am nothing like my dad and you know it,"

"I don't know who you are, Jade. I thought I knew my best friend, but it turns out, I don't know you at all," he said, shaking his head before walking off, leaving me devastated.

Kyle's POV

After I argued with Jade, I went back to the room that I shared with Nina, Max, and Jade. Opening the door, I found a note on Jade's bed. Her bed was made and her things were never to be found. Picking it up, I read it.

"Dear Kyle,
I know you kind of hate me right now, but I need you to hear me out, even if it means facing the darkest corners of my past. When you first asked about my dad, I saw the genuine concern in your eyes, and it both comforted and terrified me. My dad was involved in things that no one should have to understand. I feared telling you the complete truth, terrified that it would shatter the foundation of our friendship. Tonight, when you discovered the reality about my dad, the way your eyes changed haunts me. Your accusation of lying struck me like a dagger. Kyle, I never meant to deceive you. I was scared that the truth would redefine how you saw me, that it would ruin the bond we've built. I want you to understand, though, that every shared moment, every laugh, and every tear has been genuine. Our connection runs deep, and the idea of losing you is a pain I never thought I'd have to face. The truth is, I've loved you, Kyle, not just as a friend but as someone who fills the gaps my past has left behind. I didn't confess this to complicate things further but to be completely honest with you. I miss the warmth of our friendship and the comfort of being understood without words. I know I've hurt you, and I can't promise that everything will be the same. If you find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise to be more open, more honest, and to confront the fears that held me back. Losing you is a reality I never wanted to face. I went to save my dad from the assassins trying to kill your dad and me. I hope we can find a way back to each other, Kyle, even if it takes time.


Sighing in defeat and tears threatening to fall, I put the letter down and got ready for bed.

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