Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Dan sat in front of the motel room, waiting for the rest of his family to come out. Hearing the door open, Dan looked up to see Jessica holding Max as she walked off with Dan following.

"Where are you going?"

"Far from here, far from you," Jessica replied as she continued to walk away from Dan.

"Where?" Dan asked again.

"It's none of your business,"

"What? Like hell it isn't," Dan said as Kyle and Nina followed after them. "Hey, you cannot go to the airport, you know. They're gonna be waiting there,"

"Well, we're not," Jessica replied, turning to face Dan. "We've made other arrangements,"

"What other arrangements?"

"Sorry, Dan. Can't say. It's to protect you,"

"Jess–Oh, really? Come on. Don't–" Dan replied, as Jess got into the cab with the kids.

Dan's POV

After Jess and the kids got into the cab, I went back inside our hotel room. I then saw a note on my bed with my name on it. I picked it up and saw that it was from Jade.

"Dear Dan,
I hope this letter finds you well. There are so many things I want to say, and I've been wrestling with my emotions as I pen down these words. I know you and my dad share a past that is shrouded in shadows, and it's not easy for me to confront the reality of it all, even though my dad taught me self-defense lessons. As you may already know, my Dad was kidnapped a few days ago. The circumstances were grim, and the danger that loomed over our lives and your family was unimaginable. It was then that I decided to take matters into my own hands and rescue Dad. Dan, you've been more than just Dad's friend; you've been a second father to me. As I write this letter, I want to thank you for the past few days when you stood by my side, offering guidance and strength when I needed it the most. Your presence was a source of comfort, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is light to be found. I understand the complexities of the world you and Dad come from, and I appreciate the sacrifices you both made to keep me and your family safe. It's a world that's difficult to comprehend, but I am slowly coming to terms with it. I hope that, in time, I can understand the choices you've made and find a way to reconcile the past with the present. In the aftermath of this ordeal, as we try to rebuild our lives, I want you to know that your role in this story has not gone unnoticed. You may be a man of few words, but your actions spoke volumes. Thank you, Dan, for being there when it mattered the most.


"Shit," I sighed, putting the note down before hearing my phone ring. Grabbing my phone, I answered the Facetime call. It was my father.

"You couldn't let it go, could you?" I asked.

"You know me better than that,"

"Look, you can have me, but I want your word that you won't go after my family, especially John's,"

"Go after? You're a little behind, buddy boy," he replied, showing me Jess and the kids in the backseat of a car.

"I swear to God if you hurt them–"

"Come and get'em,"

"Somewhere public,"

"I think you're mistaking who holds the cards here. Be at the old Poseidon Casino north of the city in 30 minutes... alone. I also got some people you might wanna see," he smirked.

"What did you do with Jade? Where's John?" I asked, already knowing who he was talking about.

"You'll find out when you get there," he replied, before ending the call.

Sighing, I put my phone away and headed out the motel.

Jade's POV
The Night Before

After writing the letters to Kyle and Dan, I left the motel in search of my dad. The night was shrouded in darkness as I maneuvered through the narrow alleys of the city. My heart pounded in my chest, a rhythmic reminder of the perilous journey I had embarked upon. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me, but determination fueled my steps.

My senses heightened, and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching my every move. A chill crawled down my spine, but I shook off the unease, attributing it to the tension that clung to the air.

Turning down a dimly lit alley, I quickened my pace. The narrow walls seemed to close in around me as shadows danced menacingly. My eyes darted from corner to corner, scanning for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, I felt a presence, an eerie sensation that froze me in my tracks. I whirled around, my hand instinctively reaching for the concealed weapon at my side. The alley was empty, but the feeling lingered, a silent whisper that taunted my senses. I took a deep breath, convincing myself it was just paranoia.

As I pressed forward, the oppressive silence was shattered by a muffled sound behind me. I spun around, my hand drawn, but before I could react, a cloth covered my mouth, and a strong arm wrapped around me, pulling me into the darkness. Panic surged through my veins as the world blurred and faded.


When I regained consciousness, the disorienting scent of dampness filled my nostrils. I found myself in a room, bound to a cold metal chair. My eyes scanned the room, and there, standing in the shadows, were the kidnappers – a sinister group with familiar faces.

One of them stepped forward, a menacing glint in his eyes. It was Dan's father. "You're a stubborn one, sweetheart," he sneered, revealing a twisted satisfaction. My mind raced, but I refused to show fear.

"Where's my father?" I demanded, my voice steady despite the fear that gnawed at me.

Dan's father chuckled, relishing the moment. "Oh, he's here, alright. But whether he lives or dies depends on you," he said, leaning down to my face.

"Bring him in," he ordered, as 2 of the men brought in my Dad, but he was beaten up pretty badly.

"Dad," I whispered.

"Jade?" Dad asked, shock and worry showing on his face.

Dan's father stepped forward, his eyes devoid of any warmth. In his hand, he held a gun. He pointed it at Dad's battered head, a chilling smile playing on his lips. My heart raced, my breath caught in my throat as I stared at the scene unfolding before me.

Dan's father's eyes narrowed, the smirk on his face twisting into a sinister snarl. "Last chance, John. Are you going to join forces with me or not? If not, I don't think I'll need you any longer,"

My gaze locked with Dad's, the silent exchange conveying a depth of love and understanding. He made a choice.

"Fuck you," Dad spat, her defiance unwavering.

Dan's father's expression twisted into a cruel sneer. "Dan was always a better assassin than you,"

In that chilling moment, the room echoed with the sharp crack of a gunshot. My eyes widened in disbelief as Dad's body slumped forward, a life extinguished before my eyes. The stinging scent of blood filled the air, and the room seemed to close in on me. Dad's lifeless gaze met mine, and in that haunting connection, a torrent of emotions surged through me.

"Dad!" I screamed out as anger boiled within me, a fierce flame that burned away the numbness.

Tears welled in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I couldn't show weakness now. The sorrow and rage mingled in her heart, forging a resolve to honor her father's sacrifice.

"Clean up the mess," Dan's father ordered his men as he fixed his gloves, before walking towards me. "I'm going to deal with this one myself,"

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