Chapter 9

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Kyle's POV

"Look, we can't just abandon Dad and Jade," I heard Nina whisper to Mom as I thought about Jade.

"What am I supposed to do? It's my job to keep you safe. I'm a mom," Mom replied.

"Okay, then be the mom that lifts the car," Nina suggested.


"You know, mom. She has the baby, and she lifts the car,"

"Yeah. You know. Car mom," I agreed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Mom shook her head.

"It's an urban legend, Mrs. Morgan," Spiros called out from behind us. "A baby is trapped under a car. His mother gets a burst of adrenaline and lifts the car up with her bare hands. Your children are suggesting that you overpower me to rescue their father and friend,"

"Yeah. Thank you. Exactly," Nina said, stopping him.

"I would advise against it," he said.

"Now. Duh," I told him.

"Your father made his choice," Mom sighed, making me scoff.

"I mean, do you think he wants this? It's Dad that we're talking about. The guy that took me to junior prom when Trevor didn't show up. The guy that wakes us up for school with shitty raps about Wednesdays," Nina told Mom.

"That's beautiful. My father never did that," Spiros added.

"I'm sorry. Can you shut up, Spiros?" Nina asked as we both looked at him annoyingly.

The elevator opened and we all walked inside. Before I walked inside, I started to press all the buttons.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop," Spiros demanded, smacking my hand away from the buttons, before pressing the bottom one.

"Mom, we're not a family without Dad and Jade. Dad needs to know that we don't want this for either of them. I know we said we did last night, but, Mom, I don't. Especially to Jade. I've said things to her that I didn't mean and I need to tell her that I still care about her. Dad needs us, and she needs us too," I told Mom, as the elevator door opened.

"If Dad still chooses to do it, then so be it. But he needs to know," I finished.

"I mean, he thinks that we don't love him anymore, Mom. We can't just let things end like that," Nina explained.

"Oh, Max. I haven't changed you. We have to get this off of you before you get a rash." Mom said, handing me Max as she started to take off his diaper.

"You forgot the diaper bag," Nina whispered, as Mom took off the diaper.

"Ooh, gosh. It's a real messy one," she said as she threw it in Spiros' face just as the elevator door opened.

She then started to push him out of the elevator, pushing him towards the spiral stairs, before pushing him off the ledge.

"Oh, crap," she whispered as we all looked down to where he fell.

"Maybe he'll be alright," Nina suggested.

"Or not," I added, still looking down. "What do we do now?"

Mom turned around and saw Spiro's gun on the floor, and picked it up off the floor. "We're gonna go find your dad and Jade,"

Jade's POV

"Give me a minute alone with them, would you?" Gwen asked Dan, who had his hands tied together as he sat on one of his chairs.

"I wanna be wheels up in ten minutes," Dan's father said to Gwen, before leaving.

"I thought if I ever saw you again, I'd kill you," she said to Dan.

"He will kill you once we get out of this place," I glared, as I still lay on the floor, unable to get up since my hands were tied behind my back.

"Jade," Dan warned as Gwen walked towards me with a smirk.

"Now... Is that a good way to talk to your mother like that?" she asked.

"What?" I asked, shocked as well as Dan. "No, that's not possible. My mother died when I was a baby,"

"Is that what your father told you?" Gwen scoffed. "Do you want to know the real reason, Jade?"

"Gwen, don't," Dan warned.

"I was your father's wife. We were in love until we had you. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant with you, I cheated on your father with Dan," she smirked as I glanced at Dan to see him looking at me with guilt.

"But when John found out I cheated on him, he took you and left. Then Dan and I fell in love, but out of nowhere, he left me," Gwen finished.

I then glanced at Dan. "Is that true?"

Dan looked at me, his voice filled with regret. "Yes, it's true. But Jade, I left because I found out what happened between her and your father. I felt bad for you and your dad so I left, and not only that, I left because I learned that my father was auctioning your dad and me to potent and rich people to do our assignments,"

"There you go, Jade. That's the full story," Gwen smirked, looking back at me. "Now that we are together again as mother and daughter, I could train you to be a part of our family,"

I then looked back at Gwen and glared at her. "You're not my mother. My real mother figure died because of cancer, so fuck you and your family," I seethed.

Gwen glared at me, before backhanding me in the face and kicking me in the stomach, making me let out a groan.

"Seriously, Gwen?" Dan asked, angrily as I continued to glare at her. Gwen smirked and turned back to Dan.

"Now, since we're here..." she grinned as he picked up Dan's wrists and held them above his head, straddling his hips.

"That's disgusting," I mentally gagged.

"Better," she sighed.

"Oh, sure. Pretend I'm not here," the technician guy mumbled.

"This isn't gonna happen. I have a wife," Dan said, as I gathered all the strength inside me to try and pry my wrists apart from the zip-ties.

"You had a wife," Gwen said to Dan, pulling his head back. "Now you're free,"

"Come on," I mumbled as I continued to try and break my wrists free.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jessica and the others walking into the room. Kyle handed Max to Nina and quietly ran towards me.

"Jade. Are you okay?" he whispered.

"Yeah," I whispered as he helped me stand up. "Ow," I winced.


Kyle helped me up as we both looked at Dan and Gwen in disgust.

"I knew you hadn't changed. You could never resist me," Gwen whispered, as I gagged for the second time.

Just then, Dan grabbed her neck and she was instantly knocked out.

"Vulcan neck pinch," Kyle smiled as he continued to help me stand.

"Kyusho Jitsu," Nina smiled.

Just then, Jessica aimed the gun at the technician guy, his hands going up in surrender. "Hey. I'm just the tech guy,"

"I'm so sorry for this, you guys," Dan said to his family as he cut the zip-ties around my wrists.

"For the ass-grabbing part or the 18-years-of-deception thing?" Jessica asked, still aiming the gun at the tech guy.

"Both. All of it,"

"Hey, Jade, Kyle. Tie him up," Dan ordered, making me nod.

"Got it," I said as Kyle and I went to tie up the tech guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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