Chapter 8

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3rd POV

Dan made it to the casino and followed the men.

Up on the top floor, stood Dan's father and Gwen with Jessica and the kids but they were tied up.

"He's alone," one of the men said to them.

"Well, well. How sweet. He could have been halfway around the world by now, and yet here he is, trading his life for the family that abandoned him," Gwen smiled, as she walked up to the family.

Seconds later, Dan is escorted into the room, where he sees Jessica and the kids tied up with his father and Gwen standing with them.

"There he is," his father announced as Dan walked further into the room.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked his family, but they just ignored him.

"No hug for your old man?" his father asked with a smirk.

"Why start now, Dad?" Dan asked the man in front of him.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kyle asked in shock.

Dan's father turned towards Kyle. "I'm your grandfather, Kyle,"

"Oh, my god. We're British," Kyle exclaimed.

"He didn't tell ya?" Dan's father asked, looking at Jessica.

"No. He left that part out of his no-more-lies speech," she replied, staring at Dan.

"Well, I said he was a father figure," Dan responded.

"Not quite the same, Dan," she retorted back.

"This is good, right? He's not gonna kill his own grandkids," Kyle reminded.

"Look, do whatever you want with me. Let them go. Along with Jade and John," Dan said to his father.

"That reminds me... about Jade, that girl can put up quite a fight," he said to Dan with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked, confused.

"Bring her in," he ordered one of his men.

The room fell silent as Jade was ushered in, her body a canvas of bruises and pain. Her steps faltered, but she refused to crumble beneath the weight of her injuries. The door closed behind her, and the collective gasp of Dan's family filled the air. Their eyes widened as they took in the aftermath of the brutality she had endured.

Dan surged forward, a storm of anger brewing in his eyes. His fists clenched, and his jaw tightened as he surveyed the evidence of the violence inflicted upon her. The room crackled with his restrained fury, a tempest waiting to be unleashed against those who had dared to harm her.

Jessica gasped audibly. Worry etched lines on her face as she took in the sight of Jade's battered form. Her eyes, usually warm and inviting, now held a mixture of sympathy and determination. She wanted to walk toward Jade with a sense of urgency, ready to offer whatever comfort she could but couldn't because she was tied up.

Nina sat frozen as she held Max on her lap, her expressive eyes wide with disbelief. Shock rippled through her, and her hands trembled as she covered her mouth. The carefree atmosphere that usually surrounded her evaporated, replaced by a genuine concern for the girl who had suddenly become an unexpected guest in their tumultuous world.

Kyle tried to stand up abruptly, but he was tied to his chair. Shock flashed across his face, quickly followed by anger at the injustice of it all. Love for his family and a deep-rooted care for Jade, a childhood friend, warred within him. Confusion etched lines on his forehead as he struggled to reconcile the brutality before him with the memories of their last argument. His eyes locked onto Jade's. In that gaze, she sensed not only the shock and anger but also a profound concern that ran deeper. Their childhood friendship lingered between them, adding layers of complexity to the emotions playing out in the room. Kyle's fists clenched at his sides, a silent promise to stand by her and protect her from any harm that might still lurk in the room.

"What did you do to her?" Dan asked, trying to hide his anger but his father only smirked back at him.

"What is it you think I want, Sean?" his father asked Dan, dodging his question.

"Kill me," Dan replied. "In the spider's nest of a heart, you actually think that I wronged you,"

"You were my son," he paused. "My legacy. I poured everything I am into you. You threw it all away. You abandoned me. You broke my heart. So, yeah. I wanted you dead. But then something happened over these past few days. You wasted every single guy I sent at you. Every goddamn one. You are every bit the killer I taught you and John to be,"

"No," Dan shakes his head. "It's not who I am anymore,"

"Bullshit," his father smiled. "Tell me you don't feel more alive the past three days than you have done in years. And as you smoked each of my men, I felt something that I haven't felt in a very long time. Pride in my son,"

"What? So, what is this? Now you don't wanna kill me? What the hell do you want?"

"I wanted you and John back,"


"Things were never as good as after you guys left. For any of us,"

"What do you mean? Where's John?"

"John?" he smirked, looking at Dan before glancing at Jade. "Where's your father, Jade?"

Dan looked at Jade with a mixture of confusion and worry as he thought about his friend, John. Jade looked at Dan with teary eyes as she just shook her head.

Dan looked at Jade in shock, before looking down with a defeated sigh.

"John didn't want to come back to the business, so I put a bullet through his head right in front of his daughter," Dan's father sighed. "So, I want my son back, working by my side in the family business,"

"You're not seriously considering this, are you, Dad?" Kyle asked, looking at Dan, before glancing at Jade.

"Quiet, Kyle," Dan said to Kyle, not taking his eyes off his father.

"Everybody wins. You come back where you belong. Be who you were born to be. Jess and the kids go safely back to Buffalo," his father offered.

"It's what they want anyway," Gwen smiled.

"What about Jade?" Dan asked, as everyone's eyes landed on Jade who was tied up on the floor, bruises all over her face and body as she was glaring at Dan's father.

"I've heard that John has been teaching her the ways," he replied. "I'm sure she'll be of use to us,"

"What? No!" Kyle disagreed.

Dan's father looked at Dan again. "I'm sure it beats the shit out of selling cars. But no contact. Can't have you going soft on me again,"

"He's not going to do it," Jade called out as everyone glanced at her. "Just like my Dad wasn't going to and I'm sure as hell not going to either,"

"I'm their father. There's no way this is gonna happen," Dan replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that," his father replied, before turning to Gwen. "Start with the wife,"

Gwen smiled and pulled out a gun, getting ready to shoot Jessica.

"Wait, no! I—" Dan called out.

"There's no third option! Either it all ends here and now, or you give your family and Jade exactly what they want and then some!" his father yelled out.

"Mr. Morgan... No," Jade whispers, shaking her head. Dan looks at Jade with sorrow, before looking at his father.

"I'll do it," he gave in. "Especially for John,"

"Okay. Spiros, see the family to the airport with our blessing," his father ordered as Spiros cut everyone free.

Kyle saw Jade was still on the floor tied up as Jade looked at him with sorrow.

"Jade," he called out to Jade, before leaving with the others.

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