Chapter 10:

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Andrew and Lewis had taken Jason's haircut a lot better than the pair expected. He was only grounded for a week, and neither had mentioned Alex's hand in the matter. Phoebe had teased him, but she kept it pretty tame. 

(Mostly because Lewis was keeping a very close eye on her as she spoke.)

It was around 1 pm. Alex sat at her small desk, staring down at the calculus textbook in front of her. Phoebe was laying on her bed. Next to Phoebe's headboard was a matching small desk, with a small gap from the closet jam packed with their clothes.

"Just ask! He never says no to you!"

Alex rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her sister's whining. "Come on!" Phoebe drew the n out, turning to lean over her footboard and pout. Alex glanced at her from the top corner of her eye and groaned.

"Will you shut up?" Alex turned in her chair to look at Phoebe, crossing her arms. "Yes!" Phoebe smiled, perking up and standing up from her bed. "Fine." Alex sighed, and grabbed her phone from next to the textbook.

Not complaining too much about missing math homework.

To: Psycho Con

Hey can you do me a favor?

To: Frogger


To: Psycho Con

Phoebs wants you to take her to the mall

To: Frogger

why can't your dads

To: Psycho Con

Not we could meet Evan there and do something

To: Frogger

...fine...but she owes me.

Alex looked up from her phone at Phoebe. "You owe him." She said, Phoebe smiled and nodded eagerly. Standing up from her bed and grabbing her own phone. Then disappeared into the hallway. Alex sighed and stood up from the chair. Stretching out her already tired and sore body from doing nothing.

She walked over to the closet and grabbed her tan tote bag from the bottom shelf. Alex smiled at the black butterflies printed on both sides. She tossed her wallet, essentials kit, and battery bank into the bag. Then slung it around her shoulder.

"Hey Evan." Alex said casually, the phone was on speaker and placed on the desk. "Oh h-h-hey Alex, what's up?" He chuckled nervously; she sat down on her bed to slip her socks on. "Con and I are headed to the mall, you want to join?" Alex said, standing up and grabbing the phone, taking it off speaker.

"OH um yeah yeah totally that sounds cool."

"Sweet, meet you at the Congress mini mall in 10." Alex hung up and put the phone into her bag. Phoebe came running back into the room and grabbed her arm. "Come on! You're moving so slowly." She whined, pulling her sister out of their room. Alex rolled her eyes and followed her sister down the hallway and staircase.

"Dad! We're going to the mall!"

"I'll take you." Andrew said, stepping into the foyer from the kitchen. "We have to get girl things, and it'll take a couple hours." Phoebe lied; Alex had to stop a chuckle when Andrew immediately nodded. He muttered some incoherent phrases and handed them 20 dollars.

Phoebe stuffed the money in her pocket. "Thanks." She said, stopping a smirk from dancing on her lips. Alex didn't stop hers as the pair slipped out of the front door.

A/N: Sorry for the wait, I went back to school. Sucked so much. Plus, just went through a really messy break up. It's been rough, but I got through it. ANYWAY got the chapter wrote and I actually like it quite a bit. Thank you for all of the support it's been so incredible to see! Special thanks to anyone who reads, votes, comments, and/or follows!!

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