Chapter 11:

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"I hate you..."

Connor grumbled as Evan and Alex had to hold back their laughter. They had forced Connor into trying on a bright pink wig with sparkly plastic butterflies weaved throughout the knotted waves. "I think this is your new look." Alex said, barely able to not burst into giggles. Evan nodded in agreement, having to bite his lip to stop his own laughs. "Just let it out." Connor said through gritted teeth, crossing his arms and glaring at the ground.

Both Alex and Evan began laughing loudly. Alex threw her head back while clutching her stomach. Connor couldn't stop a small grin while watching her. She carefully used her phone to take a quick picture.



Alex turned and went sprinting out of the Claires. Evan followed after her, while Connor yanked the wig off his head and tossed it to the ground. He made eye contact with a saleswoman, and awkwardly picked the bubblegum pink hair off of the ground and placed it on the Styrofoam head.

Then ran out of the store.

He weaved through the crowd, until eventually spotting Evans bright blue button down. "Hey dipshits." He grumbled, walking up behind the pair. Evan let out a quick yelp, while Alex just gave Connor an innocent smile. "Hey sunshine." She joked, making Connor roll his eyes and ruffle her hair.

"I'm never going into that store with you again."

"That's what you said last time." Alex smiled; Evan shrugged. "I think you looked great." He joked, earning him a slug in the arm from Connor. (Alex had to admit, she had been surprised how quickly Connor warmed up to Evan.)

Alex grabbed Connor and Evan by the collars of their shirts, carefully ducking into another store and yanking the pair with her. "What the hell was that for?" Connor grunted, rubbing his neck after having nearly choked. Evan nodded in agreement, rubbing his own throat. "Look." She poked the glass.

They followed her finger to see Phoebe walking through the mall, with a familiar looking boy at her side.

Lukas Jackson. The star junior athlete, starting varsity for track, swim, and baseball. He was on the shorter side, standing at 5 foot 9 inches. He had black hair that was fluffed and almost looked fake. He was tan, blue eyed, and had thin lips that always seemed to be spread in a bright smile.

"That's why I had to leave my house today..." Connor grumbled, crossing his arms. Alex stepped on his foot, without looking away from her little sister who was bright red. Evan just looked confused.

Connor noticed. "Sister." He said, Evan nodded. "And apparently her boyfriend." Connor muttered, now noticing Phoebe's red cheeks and interlocked fingers with Lukas. "Alex?" The group turned to see Molly and Jenny standing by a row of the store's clothes.

Molly glared harshly at Connor when she realized who he was. "Oh, you're here." She grumbled, he rolled his eyes and subtly flipped her off while scratching his nose. Molly rolled her eyes.

"I thought you said you were busy today." Jenny muttered, staring at Alex who avoided her gaze staring down at the ground. Connor was completely focused on having an intense glare off with Molly. While Evan was trying to almost hide behind his tall friend.

Alex stayed staring at the ground, until Jenny moved her gaze. "Con, let's head out. Dad wanted us home soon." She muttered, grabbing Connors hand and pulling him out of the store. With Evan following closely behind, muttering a quiet bye to the girls. After hunting Phoebe down again and forcing her to leave Lucas. The group returned to Connors' truck.

Phoebe was in the backseat with her headsets in, and the biggest smile on her face Alex had ever seen. While Evan anxiously bounced his leg across from her.

"You alright?"

Connor said after the group rode in silence for about 5 minutes. Alex muttered something quietly and turned to look out her window. "Speak up, its too fucking quiet." Connor grunted, Alex rolled her eyes while Evan flinched at his aggressive tone. "Yes." She said, drawing the word out and ensuring the annunciate each sound.

He glanced over and couldn't stop a smile at her proud smirk. "Alright, then start your little hyper chit chat so I can believe you." He joked, Alex giggled but slugged his arm and turned in her chair to start a conversation with Evan. Connor smiled softly at the sound of their excited voices as he turned into West Avenue to drop the sisters off first.

"Hey." Alex stopped before exiting the car by Connors hand gently grabbing hers. "Let me know if you need or want anything ok?" He whispered, Alex nodded and smiled. She leaned over and pressed a quick peck on his cheek. "Going soft on me Murphy?" She joked, Connor rolled his eyes and shoved her out of the car. Alex laughed as she and Phoebe walked up to their house and Evan took her seat at the front.

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAHA LETS JUST PRETEND I DIDN'T GO MIA FOR 3 MONTHS. Lol, sorry about that its been such a crazy time tbh. But I'm glad to be back and I'm trying to get back into writing, thank you for all the support on both books while I've been missing. Also, thinking about starting a Jack Kelly x OC story (newsies), or a Dodge Mason x OC story (Panic). Both awesome things you should watch. Thank you again for the support and special thanks to anyone who reads, votes, comments, and/or follows!!

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