Rule #6

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Tw; Mentions of death, trauma-dumping in general, usage of insensitive comparisons

Rule #6: Apologies are complete bullshit that don't fix anything, and I am tired of acting like they do.

Yesterday was single-handedly the worst day of Error's life. Why? Well, let's recap: he got into the biggest argument (one-sided lecture) with Geno that morning, school almost about mentally killed him, work was actually decent until some stranger named Henry decided to make it horrible, and better yet—Geno showed up after work to escort him home! The whole Geno-walking-him-home thing wouldn't have been that bad, if it hadn't been for the conversation they had on the way home.

Everything had been going smoothly. They were walking in a perfectly comfortable silence, and then Geno had to pipe up! Oh, and of course this isn't a normal conversation. It never is with Geno. He fucking apologizes. Geno. Apologizes to him. He, straight up and unprovoked, apologizes for being overbearing and harsh towards him during their conversation that morning.

Error probably should be jumping for joy right now, or something to celebrate the rare occasion, but he doesn't. He's just angry, beyond anything he's ever known, and the worst part is—he doesn't know why.

Usually it's so easy to pin-point where the problem lied, and his anger would find a way to diminish itself with that. Yet, this time he can't do that, so his anger won't go away. He had no scapegoat anymore, and now he had to live with the consequences of his broken emotions.

It should be easy to blame Geno, after all he's the one that started the whole mess, but Error can't even bring himself to do that. Every time he tries to, he starts to feel guilty. Geno's self-righteous apology messed everything up. Everything that Error had learned to make of their relationship had now shattered, and he could no longer make Geno out to be the heartless asshole anymore. If anything, he had begun to realize he was the heartless asshole.

He was placing so much blame on his older brother, for things he highly doubted Geno had anything to do with. It was so much easier to do that, rather than waste his time finding the actual problem. He had pitted himself against Geno for so long it was only natural to blame him. At this point, he wasn't even sure he knew how to get along with his brother.

He knew that they did at one point, back when things were still 'normal' for their little family, but that was an eternity ago. Something changed, and obviously here they are—barely even able to have a decent conversation without it blowing up.

Sometimes he wished it wasn't this way, that they didn't get on each other's nerves all the time. It would be nice to have his older brother back, someone he could rely on no matter what. Not this poor excuse for replacement parents.

He used to idolize Geno. An eleven year age gap helped paint his older brother to be this admirable, awe-inspiring person. He used to want nothing more than to be around Geno constantly. His older brother used to be his...well, everything. Screw superheroes, and those stupid main characters in cartoons you're supposed to root for, Error had Geno.

Well, he did once. He wasn't too sure about that anymore.

Geno's apology had made Error realize something, something he wouldn't have known otherwise. He didn't want any apologies like he thought he did, or explanations that would help him see why his older brother acted the way he did. He wanted everything to go back to how it was—simple, care-free. He wanted Geno to be the Geno Error's eight year old self had come to know. He wanted his stupid child-like naivety back, so he wouldn't have to see his life and the world fall apart around him.

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