Rule #10

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Rule #10: For the love of god, please avoid weird ass heroes completely decked in armor.

Error sat on the edge of his bed staring intently at his clock. His eye lights caught every moving second, and his anticipation grew with every click. The anxiety-filled air of his room was beginning to finally set in, and Error could feel himself nervously twitch with eagerness.

He would have to wait another moment. Even if he'd rather give into his impulse and leave sooner. It would be too risky to do that. He sure wasn't going to repeat his mistakes from last time.

His carefulness would force him to sit on his bedside, with only the ticking clock to accompany him. His mind was too set on future events for him to fathom doing anything else. All he could do was wait with anticipation as time marched on.

The seconds ticked by, and Error stared as the minutes continued to climb towards his awaited hour. The waiting, especially in silence, began to brew a feeling of anxiousness from within him. His imaginary worries gnawed away at him, but the newly formed pit in his stomach did little to dissuade his choices. If anything, they fueled his hungering ambition.

He realized that now, more than ever, he needed the comfort of the night air he had missed for so many long weeks.

As much as he knew he needed the break (mostly to heal), the temporary hiatus had killed him. He hated being confined to the boring aspects of his life, in a well-needed sacrifice of his nightly adventures. Every time he would try to sleep, he was only met with a deep longing to have what he had given up. He couldn't count how many nights he argued with himself over this. A large part of him knew it was safer to carry on this way, but, of course, Error always had a strong sense of ignoring his conscience.  Luckily, that more impulsive part of him never won any of those battles. It surely wouldn't have ended well if it had.

He knew that he would've ended up getting hurt again. Or worse, Geno would've caught him and they'd go back to square one. He didn't like the sound of either of those scenarios, and that feeling only added to his desire to wait.

But now, after enduring through a seemingly endless period of hardship, his waiting was over.

Error's soul froze as midnight finally came. He watched with a held breath as the seconds slowly turned the numbers into a new hour. This was what he had been waiting for, and now that the time was here, Error felt himself grow jittery with impatience.

He pushed himself up to stand, and soon lightly trod to his bedroom door. When he got to it, he silently turned the handle, and cracked his door open wide enough that he could peak through. He had no plans to disturb anyone. In fact, that would be quite the opposite of what he wanted.

Error peered down the dark hallway that was only illuminated by a single, small night-light. It was hard to see anything, and Error had to strain in order to see across the living room. Though, all he could truly see was total darkness.

The darkness was a welcomed sign. It meant that Geno and Reaper had finally gone to bed. It meant that Error was free to do whatever he wanted tonight, because the darkness ensured he was unlikely to be caught. If no one noticed he was gone in the first place, they wouldn't come looking for him. The darkness was Error's gateway to freedom.

He gently shut the door as he turned back around. It was hard to keep the smile from his face. He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a feeling of enthusiasm. He was finally able to do what he loved most, without any serious repercussions. This moment was quite the joyous one, and Error could hardly wait to reap its reward.

He stepped further into his room, and began pacing as he went through a mental checklist of preparations. He had already changed some while ago, so he wouldn't have to worry about that. He always found it important to wear darker clothes when on his patrols since it helped him go unnoticed, and he wasn't going to neglect that belief today.

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