Chapter 4

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Stepping out of the house in the early morning, I stretched and headed down towards the market. I had to get some fresh fruits and vegetables for the stew the cooks were going to be making tonight. Despite talking to my father a few days ago about letting me choose the person I want to get together with, he has begun setting me up with some men of his choosing. They were much older than me, but at least five years. I did not want to marry someone who is older than me. Let alone produce their heir.

Walking through the market, I was greeted by the people who were running it. It was always very welcoming to see them in the morning, especially when I need them in a time like this. A time to get my mind away from what my father is doing. Grabbing a few vegetables that were needed for tonight, which was a big dinner party for the guy my father was bringing in tonight. My father said I could invite a friend, but considering that I am his daughter, I struggled to make friends. Because they either wanted to be friends for their benefit or to gloat they were friends with the Caesar's daughter.

Being too engrossed with my thoughts, I didn't recognize that this giant red thing in front of me wasn't a pillar but rather a person. They quickly turned and caught me before I fell onto the ground. They were a pretty solid person, like I was running into a brick wall. Rubbing my forehead, I blinked back a few tears before trailing my eyes up from their waist to their face. It was Odessa.

"T-Thank you, Odessa."

"You ok?"


I stood up and she checked to make sure I had everything that was in my basket.

"Coming out here for the early market, eh?"

"Yeah. You as well?"

"Yep. I needed to get some things for my family tonight."

"S-Speaking of tonight," I said.


"A-Are you doing anything?"

She looked up at the sky, her mouth moving, but no words were coming out. Shaking her head, she tilted her had back down at me.

"No. I don't believe I do have anything going on. Other than dinner with my family."

"Oh, I shouldn't keep you from your family."

"Is something the matter?"

"My father is throwing a dinner tonight. And he said I could invite a friend."

"And you're inviting me?"

"I-If you're not busy."

She smiled, some blush crawling onto her cheeks, "N-Never really thought I'd get invited to the palace. Y-You really want someone like me?"

"Yeah. If I am going to be honest, you're really the closest thing I have to as a friend."

"I don't know if I should feel honored or saddened by that fact," she said.

"For me, saddened," I sighed.

"Is it because you're the Caesar's daughter?"

"Yeah," I breathed out.

"I understand," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

For someone who was as tall and muscular, her touch was soft and gentle. Even when she grabbed me, preventing me from falling, her grasp was tight, but it was soft in a way. There was no malicious intent behind her touch.

"I guess I'll have to bring out my father's old toga," she chuckled.

"Old toga?"

"He always saved it for special events. Thankfully I am around the same height he was before he passed."

"What you're wearing now isn't special?"

"This old thing?" she asked, grabbing the sides of her toga. "You should see the back."

She turned and there were some holes that were covered in some decent patchwork. Turning back around, she shook her head.

"This is decent at best," Odessa said. "Don't worry, I will wear something nice for an occasion like this. What is the occasion?"

"Meeting a suitor," I sighed.

"Oh," her voice trailed off. "A suitor?"

"Yes. My father wants me to marry and provide an heir for him and the empire. Keep the family bloodline going, I guess."

"You seem bothered by it."

"I am. But I can't say that to my father."

"Why not?"

"He'll push me into doing what needs to be done. For the good of the empire, as he puts it. That our bloodline must go on. I think he wants to say his bloodline, but he should be saying that if he had a son."

"Life isn't easier as a guy, Y/N. You would think it is, but it can be hard, if not harder. It's also hard for women, too. It's hard for everyone no matter if you're a man or a woman."

"I take it you saw your father struggle?"

"Everyone in my family has faced struggles and hardships. It's what we signed up for when we became gladiators. We never knew if we would see one another after a fight or something. My mother fears for my safety along with my siblings."

"I can't understand, but I can definitely see where you're coming from."

"Enough of the depressing stuff," she smiled. "What time is this party?"

"Right when the sun is setting."

"Ok. Where should I meet you?"

"Here," I removed the invite from my basket and handed it to her. "Just show this to the guard when you arrive."

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome."

"I'll see you tonight, then," she walked off down the line of stalls in the market.

She didn't quite disappear into the crowd, as she was the tallest person and her black mohawk was making her look taller. I chuckled, watching as she turned right and finally disappeared from sight. Heading down the line of stalls, I got what was needed for tonight and headed back. Upon entering home, I headed to where the cooks were and gave them everything they needed. Heading towards my father's room, I helped him with the final preparations for tonight before I got changed to greet the people that were invited.

"Were you able to find a friend to invite tonight?" my father asked.

"I did," I smiled, thinking of Odessa.

"Who shall I be seeing tonight?"

"Odessa," I turned and faced my father.

"Odessa?" he asked slowly.

"Yes. I ran into her at the market today and we had a pleasant conversation. She's a genuine person, father. She doesn't want to get close to me and boast that she is friends with the Caesar's daughter."

He smiled, "As long as you feel that way about her, I will support you and your friendship with her. However, be careful around her."

"What do you mean?"

"She is not the person you think she is."

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