Baldie season

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'Tis the season to get a make over after a break up. I can buy some box dye and color my hair a really nice dark brunette color. Gone are my blonde days and hello to the new season of what the fuck is Angela up to now and how long will it take her to regret it. Next episode out today! I went back to the convenience store wearing a hoodie to hide this time. I looked at their limited hair dye options and settled for a really dark brown shade. I was going for something a little lighter but what matters is that as long as it dyes my hair a diffrent color it'll do. I ran back home and started my little chemistry lab in the bathroom. I've done this too many times now and I'm basically an expert. I finished putting it all together and slathered it all over my hair. Then I waited for as long as I felt I needed until I thought my head was about to burn and washed it out. I looked into the mirror and thought it was pretty funny how my hair looked almost like a dark shade of red. Probably because it's still wet and all. The lighting is also horrible. I blowdryed my hair and looked back into the mirror only to realize my hair was now a very dark shade of red. Red... not brown. Red. Well I guess I'll buy more icecream and watch Titanic now.
What the fuck Angela. What the fuck is this. I already threw away the packaging and I'm not about to scouver the trash like a fucking racoon just too realize I made a mistake. Well maybe I should have read the packaging for once. I can dye it green to cancel out the red. I'd have to wait though I'm not going bald for this. I don't think life can throw any more surprises at me anymore. This is one too many for just one person. Can't I like share with someone. Give them a piece of my luck.
I called two of my friends and told them we were going out because I'm a new and single woman.

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