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it had been about three months
kalani was in therapy and doing better..she was trying

she wasn't gonna let me go
she refused

she told me and i quote "If i love you and let you go...i'll let it all go. i won't live maddie..i won't"

so i've been improvising

i see her once a week
we've talked for hours and hours on whatever day we meet up

she's broken
but i am too

she's my person..and i can't deny it

as i was about to get up josh comes in the room

"Geuss what baby?"

"what?" i say sitting up as he smiles

"Mackenzie is in your class, isn't that the girl you've been tutoring?"

my heart rate increases "josh i-"

he slaps me before i can get the words out "Tell it to your father"

i inhale deeply and before i can think

"Why don't you just kill me?" i ask

he turns and looks at me "You'd rather die then be happy with me and our kids?"

"I'm not happy josh...It would be so different if you would be nice..caring..gentle..but yo won't. you use me as a toy instead of a human..I'm so tired of being quiet.."

he looks at me shocked "listen you-"

"Slut? bitch? whore? oh property?"

i say getting in his face

"You took me from the one person i ever truely felt safe with..You turned her into a monster..it's your fault. yours and his"

he stood there dumbfounded

"Madison w-"

"STOP CALLING ME MADUSON!" i snap and glare at him

"Kill me, actually yano what..i'll do you one better. i'll kill me. me and this little girl be cohost knows i don't trust you an inch within my fucking daughter"

he grit his teeth "i'm a good father!"

"Oh so having micah watch you beat me? having him watch you rape me with tears coming from my eyes? having him hide because you come home intoxicated and out of your head is being a good father? fuck it you aren't a good human josh, let alone a good partner or father

he looked so hurt

"Why can't you just love me back mad- maddie"

"It would be so much easier if you knew how to actually love someone.." i chuckle as my phone vibrates and i roll my eyes and grab it

kalani: I can't do this..it hurt so much knowing i can't be with you..knowing your hurting. i'm doing what i should of done that day u let you be taken..i'm so sorry maddie. i tried

as soon as i read it i shove it in his face

"If she dies..and i csnt save her..You better fucking kill me..Because if not..I'm gonna come in here..and kill you"

i walk out and he doesn't stop me

i grab micah and leave

calling kenzie because kalani wouldn't answer

"where is she?"

"her door is locked-"

"Slide the phone under the door"


she says looking at me once i reached her house

"don't what me kalani, what do you think your doing?"

she sniffs "i can't do this.."

"and i can't do this without you. so you listen very fucking closely to me"

she sniffs but chuckles "snazzy language"

i roll my eyes and look at her "Listen closely..i just risked all of me..For you..So i need you to risk all of you..for me"

she looks at me

for awhile

before grabbing my face and kissing me deeply

"I love you maddie"

i giggle softly "I love you more"


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