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[A/N: if you are not comfortable reading such scenes, please read Chapter Two. Not reading Chapter One will not affect your general understanding of the entire novel.]

Under the starlight sky, beneath the stars and the moon, a woman's cry echoed in the midst of the night.
"N-no... Stop! P-please I beg... I beg you... Please... I beg you t-to stop... Noo! No! S-someone, please h-help m--. H-help me..."
The woman weakly screamed while someone was pounding roughly on top of her. Her hands were trying to push away the man that was trying to force himself on her but he was very strong, he was able to pin her down to the ground without exerting too much effort. She was unable to move and could only cry for mercy.
Her long black hair was scattered on the ground while her dress was ripped apart, exposing her translucent white skin that s.h.i.+ned like a jade pearl, making the man go crazy with l.u.s.t. Her lips that were pinkish red were now bleeding because of a small cut at her upper lip due to being bitten forcefully.
In contrast to her delicate face that was drenched with tears, her body was full of bruises and bite marks.
The man who was thrusting himself inside her, grunted as he found his release. He grudgingly jerked forward, forcing everything out in one final thrust.

"Urgh!!! Haahh." He bit her neck due to ecstasy and closed his eyes as he concentrated on releasing his liquid inside her cave.
When he finally stopped and pulled himself out, the woman could barely open her eyes. She weakly groaned as she felt that her lower half was stinging with pain.
It was unbearable. It was agonizing. It was painful.
She was starting to lose consciousness when she heard the laughter of those men who wanted to violate her.
"It's my turn."
Another man lewdly groped her full mounted twin peaks. He squished it hard, making the woman who was half-consciously lying on the ground shriek in pain as she tried to break free from his forceful grip.
Even if she was already violated once, the woman stubbornly refused to be raped repeatedly. But no matter what she did, she was unable to escape the calamity heavens bestowed upon her.
"No!! No!! Stop!! Stop!! Don't! AHHH!!"
She wanted to crawl far away from them but they forcefully pulled her feet, dragging her back as they laughed like they were enjoying watching her struggle for her dear life. The next thing she knew, she was flipped over, forcing her to face the ground. With one full thrust, the second man entered her and she fainted due to pain.
Once again, she was tortured intensely. The woman could only clench her teeth in pain, biting her lower lip as those men alternately sowed their seeds inside her body.
Once. Twice. Thrice.
The woman already lost track of how many times she was violated. Those men were like beasts, they were savage and rough.
'She could not scream. She could not fight. She could not even bite her tongue to die.' She could only accept the humiliation and despair as she was subjected in different kinds of endless torture. After hours of carnal pleasure, those men dressed and cleaned themselves as if nothing happened.
"*ptui*"  One of them spat at the woman's face when he saw that she was still breathing weakly, trying her hardest to survive and live.

"Where's your arrogance, mmm? You s.l.u.tty b.i.t.c.h! You always acted high and mighty but now, look at you! Screaming and begging for mercy under This Young Master's crotch! Ha! Be thankful that before you die, you were able to have fun with us! I really hate every time you look at me with arrogance in your eyes! Who do you think you are, looking down on This Young Master?! Huh?!" He kicked her body continuously until one of his companions stopped him.

"Enough! We must return now. Someone might find us here with her. Although she has already been reduced to being a lowly commoner, if others found out what we've done, do you really think we can avoid being thrown into prison?" The other men laughed.

"What are you afraid of? The Xuan Family? The Great General Chen? Heh... This s.l.u.t already lost her position as the Eldest Di [1] daughter of XiangFu [2]. After plotting against her younger sister, Prime Minister Xuan disowned her. We can just say that she wanted power and status that's why she agreed to give herself and became a lowly prost.i.tute in order to entice us. There's nothing wrong playing with a lowly wh.o.r.e."

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now