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"Did you really think that the Art of Gu was a blessing? No... It was a curse. For us from the Yue Clan, the Art of Gu was our pride, but at the same time, it was also our black star. People coveted our sacred art, thinking that they would become a powerful person once they learned the Art. And since they wanted it, they could only point spears and swords on our throat."
The woman chuckled. She then turned her head and stared at the ceiling as if she was looking at a not so distant past.
"The art of Gu is different from what people thought. Us from Yue Clan pay huge sacrifice in order to practice the sacred art. Tell, me what do you know about the lost art?"
XuanRong pulled a chair and sat at the opposite direction of the bed, looking at the woman who was lying on the bed and was staring at the ceiling. XuanRong chewed her inner lip as she gathered her thoughts before speaking.
"According to the history, the Yue clan, your clan, was suppressed because you were practicing sorcery which is a great taboo in our society, but I learned that the real reason behind the extermination of your clan was because of the art of raising poisonous bugs that has been lost in centuries."
The woman smiled painfully and sighed heavily.
"Indeed. What you said is right."
When the woman stopped talking, XuanRong opened her mouth to continue speaking.
"The lost art of Gu is about raising a pair of poisonous bugs that would obey the one who raised them. The art was coveted by many people and it was even said that acquiring the legacy of the art would make you the king of the world. The four emperors were afraid that the Yue clan would desire to conquer the world that was why they formed alliance with each other to eradicate you."
"HAHAHAH!! Conquer the world?"
The woman laughed. the laughter was full of ridicule and sarcasm.
"If we really wanted to conquer the world, we shouldn't have hidden ourselves away from the rest of the world. We should have killed those bastards who kidnapped our children and raped our females. We just wanted to live normally without any conflicts. Unfortunately, people wanted to covet our sacred art and use it for their own benefits. Ha! What a bunch of shameless fools! Those monarchs were only thinking of their own benefits. They wanted to use us to their bidding but since we refused, they decided that we were a threat to their power."
XuanRong closed her mouth and did not say anything, she only continued listening to the woman. When it comes to the hidden dirt within the Imperial Family, XuanRong was very familiar with all of it. The Crown Prince, Xu Ji An used her love to successfully climb the throne, the Empress concealed the fact that she was planning to make XuanFei the future Empress of the country, the Emperor used her marriage to forcefully suppress her maternal family's power and other Imperial members were using their power to oppress the weak. Every single member of the Imperial Family has their own evil desires and hidden skeletons.
"The art of Gu is not as simple as it seems. I'll tell you everything I know about the sacred art. Whether you still insist on learning it after you hear everything is up to you."
XuanRong stubbornly replied, "No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. I, XuanRong, vowed to not cower. For the sake of revenge, I am willing to sacrifice myself. Even if I have to sell my soul to the devil, I will accept it."
The woman's eyes quivered. If their ancestors were as brave as this child beside her, perhaps, they would not experience being hunted for the rest of their lives... and she wouldn't have... she wouldn't have to be separated with her little Yi. Thinking of her son who she was not able to see for a long time, the woman closed her eyes to stop herself from crying.
After a few seconds of silence, the woman opened her eyes and stared at XuanRong.
"The art of Gu is similar with the art of medicine and poison. You can say that it is in between the two. The Gu [1] can be used to assist a physician in curing illness and diseases, but it could also be used in controlling and killing people through poison. Not all from the Yue clan can practice the sacred art. Only those people who have a compatible physique with the art will be given a chance to succeed the legacy and practice the art."
When XuanRong heard the woman's words, her heart went sour. It seemed like she could not learn the sacred art.
"But... there is one method that the unqualified females of our clan use. Do you want to know?"
XuanRong stared at the woman and nodded her head. She wanted to know.
"Poison integration."
"Poison integration?" XuanRong was unfamiliar with the terms the woman used.
"Yes. Poison integration. When raising Gu, one had to nurture it with one's blood to mature. The egg of a female and male Gu will be placed on the host's body until both eggs matures. Gu eggs are fed with poison to mature. Those who were compatible will only let the Gu eggs to mature inside their body without consuming plenty of poison and only need to take a bit to feed the Gu eggs, but those who were unsuited were forced to eat poison every day until the poison completely fuses within their body. In short, you have to sacrifice half of your life in order to host the Gu eggs. Now tell me, are you still willing to learn when you know that you have to endure endless pain and sufferings?"
XuanRong stared at the woman. Her eyes did not show any fear.
"I am willing."
When the woman saw XuanRong's eyes did not waver a single bit, she sighed.
"Even if I have to tell you that you will have to live like a poison human, eating nothing but poisonous food, drinking nothing but poisonous liquids?"
"Yes. Nothing can change my decision."
"Ha.... As much as I want to help you, our clan had already perished a long time ago. I do not know where the other members of the Yue clan are hiding. I don't have any Gu eggs here but---" *cough* *cough* *cough*
Before the woman could finish her sentence, she started coughing really hard until she puked blood.
XuanRong stood up, planning to help the woman but the woman raised her hand and stopped XuanRong.
"N-no need to fret. I am already aware that my time is almost up. Looking at my situation, do you still want to learn?"
"There's no need to convince me. I already told you, I won't change my mind."
"Hah... if you insist, then all I can do is to guide you using the remaining time I have. I am dying but the Gu inside me can be given to you. Unfortunately, I only have a female Gu inside my body. Without the male Gu balancing the poison within your body, you will lose your eyesight every full moon unless you find the male Gu."
"may I ask what happened to the male Gu inside your body?"
The woman did not answer XuanRong's question and only stared at her. The woman sighed. She pitied this child who was forced to mature early. Since it was too late for her, at least, she would be able to help someone before she passed away.
'Xiao Yi, mother is useless and could only leave you behind.... Mother hopes that you will be able to meet this child and save both of your lives.'
[1]. Poison bugs

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now