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5. The master

"XiaoJie, Zou mama is here." YuYing, who was outside announced Zou mama's arrival.
XuanRong stopped combing her hair and glanced at the door before she continued what she was doing previously. The door opened, & an old woman arrogantly entered the room. Her brows were knitted together, and her chin was pointing upward, making her look sn.o.bbish and scornful.

"Da XiaoJie, please forgive this servant but the physician is busy. He cannot come here and treat your wound." XuanRong acted like she didn't hear a single thing. She never once uttered a word nor paid any attention to the old woman.

Zou mama who was standing beside the door felt irritated. She wanted to return to her room & go back to sleep. She inwardly cursed XuanRong but no matter how unfavored XuanRong was, she was still the Di daughter of XiangFu in the capital & she was only an insignificant servant in the suburbs. In front of this arrogant and idiotic Young Miss, she had to be respectful on the surface.

Zou mama could only grit her teeth & endure her grievance. She was standing for almost half a sichen [1] already & her feet were starting to feel numb. When XuanRong was done combing her hair, she turned around and saw Zou mama standing near at the door. XuanRong showed a startled expression but immediately recovered, she then smiled apologetically at Zou mama.

"Zou mama, you are here? I didn't notice you since you just stood there without announcing your presence properly. I hope you will not blame this one for neglecting you." XuanRong's voice was full of self-blame but Zou mama felt like something was wrong, as if XuanRong was indirectly rebuking her for not properly announcing her arrival... Or was she being too paranoid?
Zou mama inwardly shook her head. That would be impossible. Since XuanRong already pointed it out, without having any choice, Zou mama immediately kneeled and curtsied properly.

"This servant greets Di XiaoJie [2]. It was this servant's fault. This servant is asking for forgiveness for not paying respect immediately. This servant hopes Da XiaoJie would be magnanimous and forgive this servant."
Zou mama clenched her teeth as she kowtowed. She didn't believe that XuanRong didn't notice her .Idiotic miss was lying through her teeth & Zou mama's hate for XuanRong intensified. She hated arrogant people especially those n.o.bles who were stupid but acted like they were above everyone else.

XuanRong was very famous in the capital. She was stupid, unruly & arrogant. She acted high & mighty every day. Her arrogance reached the heavens & she didn't act like a proper n.o.ble lady. She always screamed like a shrew when she was angry, threw tantrums like a child & speak coa.r.s.e words like a mountain girl.

The reason why she was thrown in the suburbs was because she angered Prime Minister Xuan. XuanRong was punished severely & was sent away to avoid humiliating Xuan Family's face. So, no matter how Er Furen pleaded for her sake, their Master immediately ordered XuanRong to be transferred in a desolate courtyard in the suburbs.

In Lu Shan, XuanRong was like a paper tiger [3], without being under the shade of Er Furen [4], she could only act haughtily and arrogantly but she was weaker than a kitten and had no real authority inside the manor.

When she arrived, she immediately berated the servants for having poor hospitality towards her. Since then, all the servants here in the manor hated XuanRong. That was also the main reason why Zou mama hated her.

The clothes XuanRong wore were the lowest quality while her food expenses were reduced by half & was pocketed by the kitchen servants, making her eat tasteless & bland foods. Although Zou mama was aware of everything, she decided to turn a blind eye to indirectly punish XuanRong for being arrogant.

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now