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"My dear General, what can you say about it? Should Zhen increase the tax of the commoners or not?"

The entire courtroom went silent. Those officials who were bickering a moment ago was not looking intensely at Chen Zi Tao, waiting for his answer.

Great General Chen inwardly sigh before opening his mouth to answer.

"This lowly official thinks that both sides are correct."

When Chen Zi Tao uttered those words, the surroundings turned noisy. Those officials began to murmur words with their groups, discussing his answer.


Once again, the courtroom turned silent. Although the official still wanted to discuss it with their colleagues, they could only shut their mouth and stop talking.

"Dear General, please continue."

Chen Zi Tao coughed before continuing his sentence.

"Since the country's treasury is now low of budget, it is normal for the citizen of the county to help each other. In order to raise money, it is needed to increase the tax of the citizen. If the country lacks money, the county will not be able to provide food for the soldiers at borders. Because of lack of food, the soldiers will not be able to defend the country against our enemies. That is why, as the citizen of Qian Zou, we should help one another.... But, why must the commoners & those poor people shoulder the burden of the country? They could not even eat three meals a day. Some of the families could only sell their children to slavery & brothels in order to receive a small amount of money to buy food. Your Majesty, the commoners are indeed the citizen of Qian Zou... but so are we. Us here in the courtroom are also citizens of Qian Zou. Those nobles living inside the capital are also citizens of our country. So why do the commoners have to suffer? What about us, your subjects? What can we do for our country? This lowly official thinks that instead of increasing the tax of the commoners, it would be better to increase the tax of the nobles here in the capital."

"What?! Great General Chen, have you become muddled?! Why would you suggest that kind of thing?!"

"Rubbish!! Utter rubbish!! Why would you say those words, Great General Chen?!"

"What are you saying?! Great General Chen is correct!! We are also the citizens of this country! It's our duty to help the country!! Your Majesty, what Great General Chen said is correct!"

Once again, a deep discussion suddenly erupted like a volcano. The session hall became very lively that even the guards outside the hall could hear the officials' words.

Looking at his subjects who were shouting and screaming at each other, Xu Ji Mo's anger flared once again.


Xu Ji Mo sighed and raised his hand and made a 'shoo' gesture.

"Zhen[1] is tired. We will discuss this issue on the next court session. Dismissed."

After saying those words, Xu Ji Mo stood up and went down from the dragon throne and left the courtroom.

"Long live the Emperor!"

All the officials kneeled and waited for Xu Ji Mo to disappear before standing up. Once the court session ended, Chen Zi Tao and his second son, Chen Wei slowly left the courtroom. The other officials were still talking with each other as they leave, some officials could not help but feel glad that Chen Zi Tao spoke for the commoner's sake but there were also who did not like his notion.

"Son in law greets father in law and second brother in law."

Chen Zi Tao saw XuanLi standing at the side of the stairs as if he was waiting for them.


Chen Zi Tao snorted. When XuanRong was hastily sent to Lu Shan without informing him beforehand, Chen Zi Tao already hated XuanLi. When he found out that this devious man's second wife had been scheming behind his maternal granddaughter's back, aiming for her life, his anger towards XuanLi increased. If he could, he would have killed him years ago and burned the XiangFu[2] in to ashes in order to avenge his beloved granddaughter. But he knew that once XuanRong became orphan, it would not be good for her reputation and she would not be able to find a good man to become her husband.

He hated the fact that his daughter loved a man like him. In his eyes, XuanLi was the greatest scum on earth. Chen Zi Tao even regretted helping him to become the Left Prime Minister and elevate the status of the Xuan family.

"What is Prime Minister saying ah? Who is your father in law? This old man is already old but not yet senile. You already married a second wife. Her family is now your in laws. Us, the Chen family, don't have the luxury to be your in laws anymore. Rong'er is the only connection you have from the Chen family. Without my beautiful granddaughter, you are merely a stranger to us. Humpf! Ah'Wei, let's go! Rong'er said she will visit the Fu[3] later. Let's hurry! I haven't seen my beloved granddaughter since some ungrateful bastard of a father sent her to Lu Shan. Tsk. Father in law? Ha. Shameless."

Without turning back, Chen Zi Tao walked away followed by his son Chen Wei, leaving Prime Minister Xuan rooted on the floor.


Hearing the snickers of his fellow officials, XuanLi's face burned, he could feel the stinging pain of being verbally slapped in front of many people. Looking at the two people walking away, XuanLi clenched his hands. He angrily flicked his sleeves and left.


"Rong'er greets Eldest JiuMu[4] and Second JiuMu."

After going to her Fouth JiuMu's courtyard, XuanRong was not able to see her fourth maternal aunt in law because she had already retired in her inner room. She could only express her good will by giving the give she prepared for her fourth maternal aunt in law to the mama waiting in the outer room.

"Come, Rong'er.. Eldest JiuMu wants to see your face."

When XuanRong heard her Eldest JiuMu's words, she immediately went forward and smiled at them.

"Oh my, Rong'er has turned into a beautiful young maiden."

The Eldest Chen Furen could not help but praise XuanRong's beauty. She raised her hand and patted XuanRong's head. 2nd Chen Furen smiled and nodded her head. What Eldest Sister in law said is true, Rong'er is now like a younger version of Yi'er meimei. Once father in law sees you, he would definitely fee delighted."

Since there were no other female child among XuanRong's generation in Chen family, she was deeply loved by them. Even her maternal aunts in law were not an exemption.

The 3 people happily talked with each other as they waited for the rest of the family to arrive.


[1]. ]. (I)- the way Emperor address themselves

[2]. Prime Minister's residence.

[3]. Residence

[4]. The wife of your mother's brother.

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now