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"Listen well, master will now teach you how to use 'command'."
Yue Xiao Xiao stared at the window and recalled the teachings of their clan elders.

"The necklace I gave you serves as the container of the Gu eggs and at the same time, it is a tool used for 'command'. Same with an empire's army. No matter who, even if the person is a general or the emperor himself, if he does not carry the military token, the soldiers will not move and will refuse to follow him. The Gu pairs are the same, even if you are the host, the 1 who feeds them, they will refuse to follow you unless you use the necklace I gave you. Once the host dies, the Gu pair will be placed inside the hollow necklace and would copulate until the female Gu gives birth to Gu eggs. The male Gu dies after mating & the female Gu dies after giving birth. The cycle continues repeatedly. That's why you have to make sure not to lose the necklace. Since you will only receive the female Gu, that necklace will help you lessen the pain you during full moon."

When XuanRrong heard Yue Xiao Xiao's words, she could not help but be startled. If the necklace could help lessen the pain during full moon, why would her master give the necklace to her instead of using it to alleviate her pain?

Looking at XuanRong's face, Yue Xiao Xiao sighed.

"You must be thinking why I decided to give you the necklace even though it could help alleviate the pain during full moon, am I right?" XuanRong slowly nodded.

Why would her master choose not to use the necklace and instead gave it to her for safekeeping?
What was her reason?

Yue Xiao Xiao chuckled. She raised her hand and reached XuanRong's head, patting it slowly.

"You are still young. You will not understand master's decision. You may think that master is an idiot for torturing myself but master thinks that experiencing the pain will always remind me that master is still alive, that I, Yue Xiao Xiao, am still alive and I will not forget everything—the hatred and anger, even if I'm dead."

XuanRong's inwardly bit her lips. What her master was saying, she understood. The feeling her master felt towards those people who harmed her and her clan, the hatred she felt towards herself for being weak, and the unwillingness to concede without a fight, XuanRong also felt the same... because she was similar with her master. She and Yue Xiao Xiao were both similar with each other. She was also someone who could not escape from the curse of her past. That no matter what she did, she could not break free and move on... even in death.

Same with her master, she was afraid... afraid that once her heart wavered and lose the desire to avenge her previous self, she could no longer move forward and be stuck in an empty place forever... She feared that no matter how much effort she put in, she would not be able to repair herself.

In the end, XuanRong could not utter a single word to Yue Xiao Xiao. It was her master's choice, she had to respect it. The only thing she could do was to safely guard the necklace and help her avenge her clansmen.
Sensing the depressing air around them, Yue Xiao Xiao decided to lighten up the mood by giving reminders.

"Rong'er, listen carefully to master. Once you receive the female Gu, you must locate the male Gu immediately in order to balance the poison within your body. One cannot exist without the other. One would die without the other half. Remember, Gu are always in pair."

"Master... are you saying that the Gu pairs are always 'husband and wife' and not 'mother and child'?"

According to the annals of Qian Zou, a pair of Gu was composed of a mother and a child. How come it was different from her master's teaching?
Hearing XuanRong's confused question, Yue Xiao Xiao's eyes darkened as she angrily answered her questions. Hatred was starting to burn inside her heart when she recalled the unforgettable memories of her past, the struggles of her clansmen as they were being hunted like a bunch of animals.
"What was recorded in your history were based on the results of their research and not a hundred percent correct. Those people repeatedly kidnapped my clan's young ones and raped our females just to experiment the sacred art of Gu but in the end, they were unsuccessful--- *cough* 

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now