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"Father, why not send someone to inquire if DaJie is still awake or not? Fei'er is also curious about DaJie's life in the suburbs. If she is already asleep, we can just tell her maidservants to wake her up. I believe DaJie would wholeheartedly comply once she learns that the Crown Prince is here to exchange pointers with her."

Hearing XuanFei's sensible statement, Xu Ji An could not help but stare at her, making XuanFei bashfully smile back at him.

"Your Highness, why not sit here comfortably and let Fei'er entertain you with a guqin performance while waiting for DaJie?"

XuanFei voice was soft and enchanting, making Xu Ji An subconsciously nod at her and agree with her proposal. His irritation vanished when XuanFei made her suggestion. He was in a bad mood a while ago because of being ignored by that person inside the carriage which deeply hurt his ego. The only thing in his mind was to see that person who was arrogant enough to disregard him and thus, he was not able to properly inspect the young maiden in front of him. Now that his frustration vanished because he knew that he would meet that person later, Xu Ji An was able to properly observe XuanFei.

XuanLi saw that his daughter had finally caught the Crown Prince's attention after being neglected a moment ago. He laughed inwardly and nod in approval. He was ecstatic to see any good development between Xu Ji An and XuanFei. How could he miss this chance to pull them closer? Four to five years of gap was not a problem. The Crown Prince would marry at the age of twenty and by then, XuanFei would reach the marriageable age. Being the Left Prime Minister had its perks. He knew that although the upcoming Imperial banquet was dedicated to the Emperor for celebrating his natal day, it would also serve as a hidden selection for the imperial princes' future imperial consorts. Emperor Xu Ji Mo's sons were almost similar with age and would one day need to be betrothed. Being the eldest among the living children of the Emperor, the Crown Prince was old enough to be betrothed this year.

He had to strike hard while the iron is hot[1]!


"Then, this lowly official will leave to instruct someone to send message to my eldest daughter's courtyard. May His Highness wait a little and enjoy my other daughter's performance."

"Mmm. This Prince will wait." After responding, Xu Ji An walked away and sat on the nearest chair.

Before leaving, XuanLi turned to XuanFei and gave her instructions.

"Fei'er, I will leave you here with His Highness. You have to make sure that he is fully entertained by you. Do not act willful and carefully host him, do you understand?"

XuanFei smiled confidently.

"Father, rest assured. Fei'er will do her best and perform well. Fei'er will definitely not disappoint father."

"Mmm.. Father is glad that Fei'er is a sensible child. Father knows Fei'er will do her best. Father will go now. Do not forget the thing I asked you five years ago. If you want to stand on the top and live in a place with a Phoenix decoration on the roof[2], you must scheme your way and entice the next owner of the dragon throne at all cost. Father will find a way to delay your eldest sister. Use this time to capture the Crown Prince's heart."

"Fei'er understands."


Since she successfully messed up XuanFei's birthday banquet, XuanRong was in good mood. She was still brimming with vigor and was not tired at all, but since they arrive in the Fu[3] without sending advance notice, XuanRong knew that her previous courtyard had to be tidied before they could sleep inside.

She decided to send YuYing and the rest to prepare the courtyard while she would enjoy the scenery.

"XiaoJie, why would you send all of us? You should at least let YuShen Jiejie to accompany you since she had the best qinggong among all of us. This servant is afraid that XiaoJie would be harmed here. XiaoJie, please let YuShen Jiejie accompany you. Leave the couryard's matter to this servant and YuYing Jiejie." YuShang was the youngest and had a stubborn but vocal personality.

"That's right! XiaoJie ah, this servant agrees with YuShang Meimei. You are not safe in this Fu anymore. After what XiaoJie did in the banquet, this servant is afraid that Er Furen[4] would definitely be planning to harm you." YuYing worriedly seconded YuShang's words.

Hearing her two maidservants' concern, XuanFei could not help but laugh. Her voice was very melodious, and laughter was full of life.

"These two yatou[5]! Why are you acting like I'm some weak noble lady who only knows how to cry? Ah? Why are you looking at me like that?"

XuanRong could only sigh when her maidservants did not buy her words. Although she studied qinggong for five long years under An Wei's tutelage, she could not reach the level of a high master and could only withstand a couple of hundred blows with An Wei.

Even when she had undergone rebirth and had plenty of advantages, there were things that she could not control. Even if she dedicated herself with practicing qinggong, she would not be able to reach the pinnacle of it. Although she could proudly say that she could kill ten to fifteen assassins on her own, she was not confident with facing fifty or more.

"If you are afraid that Xiao Lou would send assassins to kill me, then rest assured, she is not an idiot and would not act stupidly. I just arrived here in the Fu. With our 'friendly' exchange of words a while ago, many people would realize that if something happened to me, the main culprit would be her. Besides, XuanLi is afraid of maternal grandfather. He would at most suppress me here in the Fu but he would never allow someone to harm me, not until maternal grandfather and the Chen family disappear."

'Like what happened in my previous lifetime.'

"Do not be afraid, An Wei is here with me."

After XuanRong mentioned An Wei's name, he suddenly appeared on XuanRong's side out of nowhere.

"This servant is here."

XuanRong smiled at An Wei. Like Yue Xiao Xiao, XuanRong deeply trusted him with her life. Except for her grandfather and her benefactor, An Wei was the only man she acknowledged. Although she could not see his face under the veil, she could recognize him even if he stands among the sea of people.

"YuShen, go and bring the two with you. Once you are done tidying the courtyard, you can find me at my mother's courtyard."

"Yes, this servant understands."

Without any other choice, even when they were not reconciled, both YuShang and YuYing could only follow XuanRong's order and leave with YuShen to clean their XiaoJie's courtyard.

After the three left, XuanRong turned her head and looked at An Wei who was standing behind her.

"Do not hide in the shadows. The night is still young and it's good to appreciate the moon with a friend."

"This servant will accompany Young Miss."

An Wei moved closer towards XuanFei.

Seeing the stoic man awkwardly standing behind her, XuanRong laughed and took a couple of steps backward, aligning her body beside him.

"This is how you should walk with a friend."

An Wei did not respond but he also did not move away from XuanRong.

Looking at the bright moon, XuanRong sighed in content. The two leisurely walked side by side, creating a harmonious vibe between them.

In a distant tree, a dark shadow was currently standing on one of its branches. The shadow was currently looking at the two people who was walking along the small path. His eyes went deep when he stared at the woman who was smiling at the man beside her. When the shadow no longer could see the two people, he immediately jumped forward and continued following them secretly.


[1]. to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists, in case the opportunity goes away and does not return

[2]. Phoenix represents the Empress and the dragon represents the Emperor. Only the master of the imperial harem has the right to sleep on a phoenix-decorated palace and wear phoenix-designed hair ornaments and accessories.

[3]. Residence

[4]. Second Madam

[5]. Girl

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now