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82.Full moon

"XiaoJie!!" YuYing and YuShen screamed in unison, rendering XuanRoong speechless.

'Urk.. fine.'

XuanRong coughed a couple to times, trying to stop herself from laughing but no matter what she did, she could not control her laughter. If the real reason why she cried in front of Xiao Lou wasbecause she was really afraid of her, XuanRong would immediately jump towards hell and meet King Yama[1]. Unable to hold herself, she laughed hard until she cried.


In order to control her laughter, XuanRong had to inhale and exhale a couple of times, trying to calm herself.

"Ah... Sorry.." XuanRong wiped the tears on her eyes due to laughing excessively.


"Did you know why I was labeled by other people as an arrogant idiotic girl?"

"Because when XiaoJie was young, you always punish those servants who were disrespecting you."

"Correct! But, why do you think that those people outside the Fu knew that I sometimes beat the servants? Everything happened inside the Fu and it should not be disclosed outside. The only people who knew my atrocious behavior were my bastard father, XuanLi, which is unlikely the suspect since it would bring humiliation to XiangFu. XuanFei and my other siblings would not dare offend me. XuanFei was still young that time and my two shu brothers[2] were already at the academy, while fourth shu sister was even younger than XuanFei. Now tell me, who would have the guts to plan and destroy my reputation?"

Hearing XuanRong's words, YuYing could not help but gasp.

"I knew it! It was that witch, Xiao Lou! She was the one who started the rumors of XiaoJie being arrogant and stupid!! Humpf! How could XiaoJie be an arrogant person? Were other people blind? Can't they see the true XiaoJie?! Humpf!" YuYing could not help but reprimand Xiao Lou inside her heart.



Both XuanRong and YuShen went silent.

XuanRong could not help but feel ashamed due to YuYing's words.

'I was indeed arrogant in my previous lifetime ah and an idiot too!'

XuanRong sighed and responded to YuYing's words.

"That might not be the case. Although Xiao Lou holds the biggest reason, it would not mean that she was willing to dirty her hands. She could just instigate everything while borrowing a knife from other people[3]."

"What does XiaoJie mean?"

"It means that, since there were many spies lurking inside XiangFu, Xiao Lou only have to prepare for a script and let those spies spread the word."


YuShen and YuYing immediately understood XuanRong's meaning. Xiao Lou pampered XuanRong and spoiled her rotten, making her an arrogant person, since those servants would sometimes dare to offend XuanRong, refusing to follow her orders, it made XuanRong mad, leading to harsh punishment. If the spies would always see that XuanRong was an arrogant brainless woman, they would think that she was indeed like that and would then send new information about her from their true masters.

"Since she tried to use those spies to ruin my reputation, how could I not reciprocate her feelings? Using the same method, I will make sure that her reputation would sink to the bottom of the abyss. I pretended to look weak in order to create a rumor that the eldest young miss of XiangFu was being bullied inside her own house. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Xiao Lou should suffer first."

After finishing her tea, XuanRong stretched her hands upward.

"Okay enough of that. YuShen, where is the golden ant?"

XuanRong stood up and walked towards the inner room. YuShen and YuYing automatically followed XuanRong.

"XiaoJie, the golden ant is being taken care by Shu Er. Ever since we arrived at XiangFu, it was Shu Er who was taking good care of all the insects XiaoJie raised since it was not safe here."

"Ah? It's not here?"

"Yes, XiaoJie, the golden ant is not in here."

"Oh.. nevermind. Tonight is full moon. You must prepare everything carefully. Do not let other people inside the courtyard. Dismiss all the servants and do not allow any single soul to roam near my room. This is not Lu Shan. We have to make sure that nothing will go wrong. There's no room for errors, do both of you understand?"

Hearing XuanRong's serious words, YuShen and YuYing nodded.

"This servant understands."



Hours passed and it was already night. The entire QinWang Fu was in a frenzy. The idiotic prince's illness once again relapsed, making Mu Qing nervous. He could not help but pace back and forth as he waited for the imperial physician to come and cure his Highness.

"Is the imperial physician still not here?!"

Mu Qing's loud voice reverberated in the entire room, making those servants serving Xu Fei Yi shiver in fear.

"Chief Mu, this old servant already sent someone to the palace and brought the Fu's token in order to request for a physician. Don't worry, he will be here soon. His Highness will soon be fine."

Hearing the housekeeper's assurance, Mu Qing's anxiousness had been reduced a little bit but he could not keep still and continued walking back and forth.



When Mu Qing heard Xu Fei Yi's painful moan, he immediately knelt on the bed and subconsciously hold Xu Fei Yi's hand. Feeling the coldness of Xu Fei Yi's body, Mu Qing felt like his heart had been stabbed countless of times already.

"Your Highness, what is it? Please tell this old servant. This old servant will listen to His Highness."

"I wa... see... waa.... Fu... Jie..." Xu Fei Yi struggled speaking every syllable. In order to hear Xu Fei Yi clearly, Mu Qing moved forward, placing his ear near on Xu Fei Yi's mouth.

"Waai...fuu... Jie...Jie.... F-feyyy...err... wa....ntss t-to..... see... waai...fuu.. Jie...J-jie..."

Hearing Xu Fei Yi's words, Mu Qing froze. He could not believe that even when His Highness was being tortured in pain, he was still thinking of Lady Xuan.

Such dedication!

Such love!

Mu Qing's eyes reddened and nodded. After returning to the capital, His Highness had been constantly urging him to visit Lady Xuan but he would always refuse because he was afraid that visiting to Prime Minister Xuan's residence would only bring harm to His Highness. Not looking at His Highness' pitiful face, Mu Qing tried his best to harden his heart against His Highness plea, but now, he could not help but lament. He wanted to smack himself for being a jerk, depriving His Highness of his happiness.

"Your Highness ah, once you are healed, we will visit Prime Minister Xuan's residence and look for Miss Xuan. This servant will promise."

Hearing Mu Qing's words, Xu Fei Yi's eyes glistered with happiness.

"Chief Mu! The imperial physician is here!"

Mu Qing immediately stood up and went outside to greet the physician. Since Mu Qing's back was facing towards Xu Fei Yi, Mu Qing did not see the evil smile on Xu Fei Yi's pale face.

When Mu Qing left, only three servants left and the eunuch, Zhang Wu Li, who was standing at the side of the bed.

"The three of you may leave."

Zhang Wu Li dismissed the remaining servants, leaving only him and Xu Fei Yi inside the room. When the only person left was the young eunuch, Xu Fei Yi rose from the bed and sat upright.

"Your Highness! Do not move! You have to remain lying on the bed." Zhang Wu Li immediately assisted Xu Fei Yi, trying to persuade him to once again lay on the bed.

"I am fine. This illness will not kill me."

"B-but, Your Highness----"

Not listening to Zhang Wu Li's words, Xu Fei Yi slowly stood up, planning to leave the bed. He pulled his outer garment that was hanged on the drawer and slowly dressed himself.

When Zhang Wu Li saw that Xu Fei Yi had started dressing, he could not help but be alerted.

"Your Highness, what are you doing? Why are you wearing your outer garment? Are you planning to leave? You must not! Mu Qing will soon return together with the imperial physician form the palace. You cannot leave and disappear here! Your Highness---"


When Zhang Wu Li heard Xu Fei Yi called his hidden name, he immediately kneeled without any second thought.

"Y-Your Lordship."

"I will not comeback until tomorrow. You have to make sure that nothing will go wrong during my absence. That's an order."

Yue Shin did not have any choice but to obey.

"Yes, this servant understands."


[1]. King of Hell

[2]. Illegitimate brothers- children of concubines

[3]. Use other people to deal with the problem

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now