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Inside a small side-room next to Xu Fei Yi's courtyard, Mu Qing started peeling off his clothes one by one until the only thing left were his inner garments. He had a long and stressful day. It had been two months since he was 'forced' to search for His Highness' 'Wife JieJie' but up until now, he neither see her shadows nor a single strand of her hair.

He already searched high and low, even adding those young girls who were already married. When all young maidens in Lu Shan had been thoroughly investigated, including those who were already betrothed to someone else, Mu Qing had no choice but to bite the bullet and order his subordinates to search all married women at the age of sixteen to eighteen. Since he already committed himself and promised His Highness that he would find his 'Wife JieJie', Mu Qing could only grit his teeth and throw his dignity away. Spying married women in the dark was a very disgraceful thing a man could do. Once people know, it could earn their hatred and would calamity. Only those hoodlums and perverts who were promiscuous and immoral would stoop that low and would do those kinds of things. If the woman His Highness called 'Wife JieJie' was really among those married women, Mu Qing had no other choice but to act like a nasty pirate and snatch her without her consent. Between his dignity and His Highness' eternal happiness, nothing was important that the later. Besides, he could just shower the husband's family with golds and silvers or he could just threaten him with swords and knives. Mu Qing believed that although His Highness had a mind of a child, he was not inferior to other men. He had looks that could make the women scream, he had wealth as vast as the ocean, and lastly, he was a First-Ranked Prince. Only idiots would choose an impoverished life in the suburbs than wealth and status in the capital.

Unfortunately, tow months passed but the identity of His Highness' 'Wife JieJie' was still a mystery. He was already at his limit. Mu Qing sometimes question himself whether His Highness' 'Wife JieJie' was real or not. She might not be real and was only His Highness' figment of his imagination but no matter what, he must find her.

Thinking of his struggles in the past two months, Mu Qing sighed and climb on his bed. Since His Highness already went to his courtyard to rest, Mu Qing had also returned to his room to sleep, trying to forget his painful struggles in finding 'Wife JieJie'. His Highness was getting impatient, he was having difficulties in pacifying him. Sending him to sleep early was a huge achievement for Mu Qing.

Too bad, the old man was tricked by a certain black bellied person.




"Chief Mu!! Chief Mu!! Open your door!!"

Mu Qing was already starting to drift off to the dreamland when he was startled by the sudden knock on his door.

He grumbled while rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you shouting in the middle of the night? Your voice is very loud that it could reach His Highness' courtyard. Do you want to disturb his rest?"

"Chief Mu! No need to care whether we disturb His Highness' sleep or not since he's not even inside his room! Quick! His Highness is not in the Royal Residence!"

"What did you say?! His Highness is missing?!"

Mu Qing felt someone threw a huge bucket of cold water on his body, he subconsciously grabbed the young eunuch's shoulder and shook him unceasingly.

"Ahhh! W-wait! Chief M-Mu! Nu-Nucai[1] is getting dizzy."

The young eunuch felt like his body would break in a second, but he could not resist the barbaric force coming from Chief Mu no matter how much he tried to escape from his forceful grip.

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now