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19.Hidden Cave

"This humble one greets the high monk." XuanRong curtsied toward the person who was wearing an orange jiasha[1].

"Amitabha." The high monk gestured XuanRong to enter.

"Will benefactor tell this penniless monk[2] as to why benefactor decided to visit this temple?"

XuanRong smiled. Her face was bright and pure. "This humble one wants to pray for my mother's soul."

The high monk nodded. "This penniless monk was glad to hear that benefactor visits the temple due to filial piety."

XuanRong's lips curved a little, showing a shy smile but few seconds later, her eyes turned misty and her lips that once contained a smile slowly paled.

"This humble '1 also wants to ask high monk a favor. During our journey here, we encountered some bad people & my maternal aunt was injured in the process of protecting me. This humble '1 asks high monk to treat my maternal aunt's wounds 1st."

A deep sadness was written all over XuanRong's face. Seeing her face full of self- blame, the high monk felt pity towards her & immediately agreed to help her 'maternal aunt's' wounds.

Since the woman was heavily injured, she was carried near the monks' resting place a couple of rooms away from XuanRong's temporary dwelling place. The guards and the coachman who also came with her were given another room at the opposite side of the courtyard. Although the monks were not heelers and did not practice medicine like the doctors and physicians, they had their own way of curing people using simple things and common plants that could be found around the mountain area.

XuanRong was glad that the woman was far away from her temporary courtyard. She did not want to involve the woman in her own problem. Involving innocent people has never crossed in her mind. Besides, she had to prepare before the night comes. The chance of surviving would increase if she was all alone rather than having someone that could pull down her leg and destroy her plan.

It was already at the hour of the monkey[3]. XuanRong knew that if YuYing did not meet any problem during her return, she probably arrived already.

'You have to survive tonight.' XuanRong spoke to herself.


*clang* *clang* *clang*

The windows were banging heavily due to the strong wind. The leaves were shaking violently as the trees swayed back and forth, trying to resist the wind. The whole mountain was pitch black and the only source of light came from the moon. The footsteps of the people wearing black clothes were perfectly concealed thanks to the sound of pandemonium outside.

*swish* *swish* *swish*

Few minutes later, the men in black clothes arrived at the courtyard. They did not immediately enter the room to avoid commotion. They looked at each other and signaled one of their comrades to enter the room first. The order they received few minutes ago was to interfere a certain young miss's journey towards the temple and destroy her, crippling her limbs but not killing her. Unfortunately, they arrived late and could only wait for the right opportunity to strike.

The man who was ordered to enter the room slowly walked forward. When he arrived at the front door, he slowly opened the lock using unscrupulous means.


The door slowly opened and the man in black tiptoed his foot to avoid making too much noises. The room was very dark since the candles were not lit and the only light illuminating the entire room was from the moon outside, and since the window was very small, it was not enough. The man walked towards the inner room and saw that someone was sleeping on the bed. He grabbed the dagger hanging at his waist and slowly raised his hand. He was preparing to tab the 'person' sleeping on the bed when he realized that something was amiss.

Book-1 : Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONGWhere stories live. Discover now