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"I'm Sereia, nice to meet you

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"I'm Sereia, nice to meet you."

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

It wad no surprise that everyone at Oxford knew her name. And it certainly wasn't a secret that she was off limits. Everybody knew that. All keeping their distance in respect of the Catton boy.

They were not dating, only finding a comforting warm body in each other once in a while, but he still felt the need to claim her as his when she was around. Their relationship was weird, and no one dared to wrap their head around it.

She sometimes hated it. Hated how he always tried to ruin her chances of a good time while he was out with his other girls. But the girl always got what she wanted despite his efforts. Any boy willing to get on their knees just for a glance from her. She was loved, desired. And she lived for that.

She was a flirt. A huge one, guy or girl she could have them hooked in less than a minute. They referred to her as a beauty so perfect it was intimidating.

Sereia was walking the dorm halls of the building. Her booted black heels clicking on the tiles with each step she took. She looked irritated behind her dark shades, silky hair bouncing on her shoulders as her hips swayed.

Oliver found himself in a trance, curious blue eyes following every move of her dainty figure. She looked like the human embodiment of perfection, everything about her just felt so alluring. And the boy could not look away.

Watching as she strode past where he stood with his suitcase, not sparing him or anyone else a glance. Or at least, he thought not.

Oliver's breath hitched when the girl stopped in her tracks to stride up to him. His heart beating faster in his chest as he swallowed down his nervousness.

Sereia pushed her shades onto her head, revealing her foxy gaze with a smile. "I've never seen your pretty face around before. You're new here i'm guessing?" She questioned, her voice holding a natural sultry tone as her sweet scent settled in the air.

"Y-yeah, i am." Oliver nodded, his breathing getting heavier by the second when she closed the space in between them. Him being the only one affected by the proximity.

Sereia grinned, her eyes seeming to have a forceful hold on his as she tilted her head. "I'm sorry, am i making you nervous?" It was an effect she had on almost everyone. But that never made it any less amusing.

"No.. you're not." A lie.

She hummed, picking up on the small change in pitch in his voice. "Good. Well, I'm Seleia." She introduced, extending a manicured hand for him to accept as a gentle gesture.

The stunned boy taking it a shaky breath, her smaller one fitting so softly in his. "Oliver. My name's Oliver."

"Lovely to meet you Oliver, i'll see you around?" She sounded genuine, all her irritation from before was long gone. He was exactly what she needed, and she knew why.

"Yeah.. see you.." She was already walking away before he could finish, letting out a quiet chuckle as she pulled her shades back onto her face. Setting off to find the reason for her irritation in the first place.

Leaving Oliver staring off into her path in awe, finally finishing his search for his dorm room, ignoring the stares and whispers he got from the small interaction.

Sereia's expression was not the slightest bit happy when she saw Felix. The boy ignoring her heated glare as he pulled her into a hug, pressing two consecutive kisses into her neck.

"Fuck you Felix." She scoffed, attempting to get out of his hold.

"You already did last night angel." He smirked, getting a roll of her eyes in return. The girl eventually melting into the hug for a moment's duration. "I'm still mad at you."

"I know."

Oliver watched the interaction with his body pressed into his dorm's window. Sereia.. the girl who had an effect on him like none other.. after only meeting her for the first time.

He didn't know who she was with. Finding his lip threatening to stretch into a small scowl when Felix rested his hand on her waist. Both of them engaging in conversation with Farleigh.

Sereia was used to feeling eyes on here all the time. But these felt different, lifting her head to where they came from to meet a familiar pair of blue before they pulled away.

She bit her lip was a low giggle, trying to stop the smile creeping onto her face.

Oh Oliver, Oliver..

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