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"Come meet my friends

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"Come meet my friends."

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

Sereia was sat on Oliver's bed. A cherry lollipop sat on her tongue as she scrolled through her phone. Glossed lips pulled up into a small smile at a message that popped

She put her phone down, propped up against his pillows with a sigh. "You're so productive." Watching as he concentratedly took down his notes. This was how their days occasionally went. Sat in one of their dorms whether they were doing something or not. Simply enjoying the other's company.

Oliver hummed, "I don't really have a choice." Looking to his bed from his seat. "But.. if you want to go somewhere else.."

"I'm good, i like it here. Your bed's comfy." She winked, Oliver smiling at her willingness to stay there with him.

She stood up, hovering over his shoulder with a thoughtful face. The boy's face mere inches away from hers when he turned to face her. His breathing hard as he struggled to get words out of his throat. The smell of cherry had erupted in his nose, making him feel almost dizzy when their eyes locked.

"What are we reading?" She questioned, allowing her eyes to read over the lines of words.

"Just a little essay my professor wants me to analyze." He answered, watching as she nodded. "Read it to me, let's see if our interpretations match." Sitting back onto his bed with opened ears. Allowing him to read out the rather depressing story to her.

The time had passed, the two going from discussing meanings to criticizing the author in enjoyment. Two smiles of genuinely plastered on their faces.

When Sereia announced her leave, Oliver held back a frown. "You should come to the pub later, me and my friends will be there."

"Your.. friends? You want me to meet your friends?" He piped in surprise.

"They want to hang out with me, i want to hang out with you. It's a win win." She shrugged. Oliver hesitantly agreed, the girl giving him a grin as she headed to the door. "Great, see you then."

"Bye," he gave a small wave, leaning into the chair while glancing at the time. He still had a few hours left.

When night came along, Oliver found himself walking into the alcohol heavy place. Immediately spotting Sereia sat amongst Felix, Farleigh and a few others.

She ushered him over, Felix groaning when he realized who she invited. "Seriously Rae, you had to invite him?"

"Yes. Now deal with it." The girl made room for Oliver on her other side, him sitting down with a nod of acknowledgment. "Hello."

One of the girls, Layla, was sat across from him, a wide smile on her face as she leaned further onto the table. "Hi Oliver, i'm Layla." Stretching a hand for him to shake with her lip in between her teeth.

"It's nice to meet you Layla." Oliver smiled politely.

"Lola." Another one introduced, giving Oliver her hand to shake with a small smirk. "He's cute. Good job Rae." Lola winked, Felix scoffing loudly when the others agreed.

Farleigh did not care to introduce himself to the boy. They already knew of each other's existence, and he did not like him one bit.

The group ordered themselves drinks, Layla trying her hardest to get to know Oliver on a more personal level while the other's engaged in simple conversation.

Most of them seemed to enjoy Oliver's presence, warming up to the boy with genuine smiles and laughter. Felix's tone holding a hint of hostility all throughout the night until it didn't. Suddenly becoming fond of the boy when it had finally hit him.

It seemed like he would be making a new friend after all.

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