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"Felix and i? Definitely not

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"Felix and i? Definitely not."

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

Sereia wasn't dumb. She knew that Oliver had been watching her. Always miraculously ending up in the same place as her at the same time. Especially when she was with Felix. It was almost impressive how quickly the shy boy became infatuated.

The girl excused herself from her conversation with her friends, Oliver's face twisting into one of confusion when she disappeared from his line of sight.

"Hello, stalker." She smiled, taking a seat across the boy at the pub. His eyes widened, taking a sip at his drink to ignore the hard beating in his chest.

"Hi." He cleared his throat, putting on his best unaffected demeanor as he gave her a short nod. "I guess we meet again."

Sereia's smile widened, putting both her arms down to lean into the table. "I guess we do." Her dark eyes met his light ones, Oliver feeling to shrink into his seat at her hot gaze. "What are you doing here by yourself?"

"Oh erm.. just getting a drink." He was here to see her.

"Ha, what was i thinking. Of course it wasn't your eyes i felt." She sighed, taking a sip out of his drink, her eyes scanning nearby for anyone else.

"Did.. did you want it to be me?"

There we go.

She shrugged, her eyes traveling back to his with a teasing glint. "I don't know, Oliver. But.. since it wasn't, i should get back to my friends." She smiled in faux disappointment, ready to stand up before a hand landed on hers.

"Wait. Yes.. i came here to see you."

She chuckled, sitting back down before leaning back into the chair, a wide grin gracing her features when he looked down in embarrassment. "Well then, if you want to buy me a drink.."

Her tone held a flirty undertone that could not be helped, it was in her nature. Watching as the boy scurried up and towards the bar. Boys were just so easy.

Sereia gave a small smile while Felix strode up to her. His jaw clenched with not even a small smile back.

"How can i help you?" She looked up to him, a defiant smile still plying on her face watching him seethe internally.

"I thought you went to the bathroom." he gritted lowly, ignoring the small clench in his chest knowing she left him to go sit with someone else.

"I did." she nodded, looking at the small gems on her nails absentmindedly. "Ah.. and then i found myself here. Problem?"

"Who are you sitting here with?" Anger was still evident in his voice, the boy keeping his tone calm to hide his jealousy. His eyes scanning nearby to see who it found possibly be.

"A friend." Her answer was short, vague, just how she knew he hated it.

"A friend? Really Rae, a friend."

"Mhm, unlike you Felix, i get to know people before i fuck them." She winked, eyes landing behind him where Oliver walked. "Thank you." She smiled at Oliver, the boy racked with nervousness at the tension around him.

"You can leave now." It was directed at Felix. Though he did not take her on as he studied Oliver, the smaller sweating under his harsh gaze. "This.. is the guy?" Felix scoffed with a laugh.

She hummed, "Better than you."

"Fucking hell, i'll see you later in your dorm." Felix shook his head, tall frame walking away from them in just a few steps.

Sereia tasted her drink before turning back to Oliver. "Now, where were we?"

"Who was that?" He questioned, looking towards where the giant of a boy sat, eyes fixated on Sereia before they landed on him with a deep laugh.

"Him? That's Felix."

"Is he.. your boyfriend?" His voice was low, swirling his drink in his hand as he looked to her.

"Felix and I? Definitely not."

"Oh," He was glad, "He's very possessive then." Though he figured there was still something going on, especially since Felix had told her that he would see her later. In her dorm at that.

"It's complicated." She admitted after taking another sip of her drink, not wanting to directly say that they simply fucked on occasion. "So, Oliver, tell me about yourself." Flipping her hair over her shoulder before shifting slightly in her seat. Ready for the boy to start talking.

"Oh, er..."

Sereia could not help but frown as she listened to his story. She was not too good with emotions, but she still felt for the boy. She could not imagine going through what he did.

"Fuck, i'm so sorry Oliver." her voice was soft, gentle. She truly sympathized with the boy, placing a comforting hand on his. And Oliver almost felt terrible about lying.

He enjoyed talking to her. So much that he didn't want it to end. He didn't want her to take her hand off of his either. He wondered if he'd be able to talk to her everyday. Maybe she'd pity him enough for them to get close.

And she did, she had already made up her mind about him. And for the first time in a while, she could see a friendship blossoming.

The fact that it would most certainly bother Felix made it even better.

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