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"It's so hot in here."

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

Things were back to normal between Oliver and Sereia. The boy finally realizing how dumb he'd been to even consider ignoring a girl like Sereia. Especially when she was the one he could never get off of his mind.

He still hung out with Felix occasionally. But as the weeks went by, Sereia was the one he found himself with the most. He never expected to be so close to her, she looked like the type who would look down on someone like him. It felt good to be wrong.

Late nights at the King's Arms, the girl wearing a wide smile as she giggled. Taking sips of both her drink and his while insisting that his tasted better.

It was the strangest duo. One that no one expected to last. She brought him to any and every party she attended, whether her friends liked it or not.

Sereia was sat back against a chair in her room. Her legs folded up on her desk as she groaned in discomfort. "It's so hot in here. I hate it."

Oliver nodded from his seat on her bed, it really was hot. "It is." He sighed, "But what can we do."

"I really can't take this, the school does anything but buy air conditioning." Her dark eyes rolled, the girl peeling off her top to reveal a red bra laced with black. "Fuck, sorry Ollie. Hope you don't mind." She breathed. Letting her head fall back as her lashes fluttered shut.

"N-no.. it's erm.." he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck as sweat beaded on his skin. His heart rate speeding up as his mouth went dry. "It's okay."

"So exams are coming up, do you.. you know, plan to go back home this summer?" Her voice was soft, offering him a comforting smile when she peeled her eyes open.

Oliver felt his heart warm. She sounded like she genuinely cared, shrugging his shoulders as he looked anywhere else but at her. "I'll figure it out."

She nodded slowly, cherry colored lips parted to say something before she decided against it instead. Immediately changing the topic to something else.

As the moments went by Sereia concluded that she needed fresh air. Changing into something that allowed her to breathe before dragging Oliver outside with her. The boy holding back a smile at how much shorter she was without her usual heels.

Their walk wasn't long. The two spotting Felix leaned against a wall with a cigarette between his lips. Pulling it out to exhale with the tilt of his head, a small smirk on his face when he locked eyes with Oliver.

Sereia sighed, feeling Felix's presence appear next to her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The girl scoffing as she craned her neck more than usual to look up at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Can't spend some time with my favorite girl and her new boyfriend?"

This made her raise a brow, "What the fuck.. is wrong with you?" She eyed his warily, this was not Felix. He could not have suddenly just been okay with Oliver.

His jaw clenched, if there was one thing he loved more than her attitude, was fucking it out of her.

"Oh i'm sorry, do you mind Ollie?"

Ollie? Sereia blinked in surprise. Why the hell was Felix being so nice? And since when was he calling Oliver Ollie?

"No, not at all."

"Seriously?" She scoffed, Oliver giving her an apologetic look as Felix's smirk widened. Good boy.

"See? Can't escape me now." Felix hummed, his thumb running across her cheek as they walked. The girl slapping his hand off with an annoyed sigh.

"Don't you have some girl to be in right now."

"Nope, i'm all yours for the day."

She nodded with a giggle, stopping in her tracks to turn to him completely, running a manicured nail down his chest. "How about.. i be yours for the day too. Except, you know, in your head." She sassed teasingly, pulling his arm off of her and walking ahead. "You coming Oliver?"

Leaving Felix to stare at her with an amused grin before biting his lip with a deep chuckle. He couldn't wait to have her under him that night. Gesturing for Oliver to make his way over to the girl, a scowl on his face at anyone else who stared too hard at the way her hips swayed in her shorts.

heart eyed gaze⸻ saltburnWhere stories live. Discover now