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"You're the one who's been ghosting me

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"You're the one who's been ghosting me."

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

Oliver was confused when it happened. The next day he found himself cornered by Felix, the latter holding a smile when he asked for them to talk. That day had turned into the day after, eventually becoming a regular thing for the two boys.

He felt bad. He had begun hanging out with Felix on days that he wasn't with Sereia. Sometimes declining her small invitations just to hang out with the boy.

Felix had asked him to not tell Sereia, and he went along with it. The two became almost close. And he was finding himself growing a liking to the boy. He felt a certain sense of loyalty to Sereia, but he doubted she would care.

Oliver understood Felix, he would be possessive too if he and Sereia had that kind of relationship with him. Who wouldn't?

He had talked about his parents and his dad's passing. Finding himself sat in Felix's dorm as they talked about their lives.

At first, Felix found the boy naive for not seeing through his tactics. Though as time went by he realized that Oliver was not as bad as he made him out to be. He was just an ordinary guy with a fucked up life.

Felix pitied him, and found himself actually wanting to be around him. A complete deviation to what he had wished to accomplish. It was a setback, yes. But maybe not a completely terrible one.

Oliver was sat near the dorm window while  Felix laid on the floor, a cigarette between his lips as he blinked up at the boy. "I don't know, mate. I met her like 3.. 4 years ago."

Oliver nodded, "How did you two end up.. you know." Receiving a chuckle from the other as Felix took another drag, blowing it into the air above him. "You can say fucking mate."

There was a small pause before Felix continued, "When we met, i think i made the first move. I don't think she liked me, said i was too cocky," he smirked at the memory. "That just made her even hotter, so i kept trying until it finally happened."

Oliver hummed, gazing out the window to where Sereia walked side by side with Farleigh. "Why didn't you two date instead."

Felix scoffed, "Come on mate, that one should be obvious." Ah. It really was obvious.

Leaving Felix's dorm, the boy found himself in the library. A smile on his face when he spotted Sereia. She was scanning the shelves for a book of some sorts.

He stalked up to her, the girl only giving him a glance before going back to what she was doing. "Wow, so you aren't dead. Shame." She sighed. Oliver's eyes widening as he leaned into the shelf.

"Is something wrong?"

"You tell me Oliver, i'm the one you've been practically ghosting after all." She smiled, grabbing her book before walking off.

Oliver followed after her, a hand on her shoulder making her turn around with a scowl. "Don't."

"S-sorry." He looked down, "I've just been busy.. studying and stuff." His eyes met hers, Sereia biting her cheek as she shook her head. "Studying?"

"Yeah, exams are creeping up and i need to pass. I didn't mean to ignore you." Puppy like eyes held a glint of regret, internally hoping that it was believable.

"You could have just told me you needed to study, you know."

"I know.. and i'm sorry." he apologized, watching as a tiny smile came to her face when she scoffed. "Someone really needs to teach you communication skills." Her small laugh making him let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Taking it as an okay to walk with her as she left the library. Wondering why Felix was so against her knowing about their new friendship.

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