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"So that's what it is"

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"So that's what it is"

─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───

Sereia was sat across from Farleigh. It had been a while since they'd spoken and found themselves together in the library because of it.

"I swear you had him going crazy every time he saw you with Oliver." Farleigh laughed, leaning back into his chair as an unlit cigarette sat in his mouth. "At some point i thought he'd fucking strangle the dude."

Sereia chuckled, flipping her hair onto her back with the shake of her head. "He seems cool with Oliver now, which is so.. concerning."

Farleigh raised an eyebrow, finding it strange himself until he finally put the pieces together. Fucking hell Felix. "Maybe he just grew out of his possessiveness."

Sereia scoffed "Right, last year he punched a boy because we kissed at a party."

Farleigh was a trouble stirrer, but he did not want to be the one to stir this one. Pursing his lips for a second before nodding. "Yeah, something's definitely up." That was all he was going to say.

Sereia groaned, "I swear one day i'm gonna kill him."

"Is that before or after you two fuck again?" Making Sereia throw the marker that sat on the table at him with a laugh. "Definitely after."

She and Farleigh spent a good hour talking to each other. Parting ways when Farleigh claimed to have had a girl he needed to go meet. The boy giving her a wink as he sauntered off.

Sereia could not lie. She was bored. Practically strutting through the school in search of Oliver. Getting no response when she knocked on his door.

Heeled boots clicked on the floor's wood as she made her way to Felix's dorm instead.

"Oh? Coming to me now are we?" Felix smirked, blocking the doorway as Oliver panicked on his bed.

"Don't flatter yourself." She smiled, attempting to push past him but being blocked by his hands on her waist.

"How about we go for a drink instead?"

"If i wanted to go all the way to the pub i would've texted you. Not come here." She spoke like it was obvious, looking at him in question when he cursed under his breath.

Felix knew arguing with her was a losing battle. The girl using the opportunity for her foot to push the door fully open. A loud scoff falling past her lips as she shook her head at the person who sat on his bed.

"Sereia." Felix started as she pulled herself away from him. Her tongue pressed into her cheek as she scoffed once more. "Great. Just fucking great. So that's what it is."

"Sereia come on."

"You know, i don't even care that you two are friends Felix. Does he know why you befriended him in the first place?" Her words being met by silence, he knew that it was not the first time he'd done it. He had his intentions, but that had all changed along with his liking for Oliver. "Exactly."

Both boys watched as she turned to walk away. Her footsteps harsher than usual as she thought about how much she hated Felix in that moment. He always did this. If he couldn't get her away from someone he simply used a different tactic. Slithering his way into the person's life and steering them away from her direction.

Oliver was allowed to have friends, but Felix of all people?

In a way she wasn't even surprised, it would explain why Felix was suddenly so nice to the boy. She had every right to have found it strange how his whole view on Oliver changed. And this was it.

"Sereia wait." Oliver called out, his heart aching in his chest at the thought of that being the end of their friendship. "I'm sorry."


"For befriending Felix like that." That wasn't even the problem. And it upset her that he didn't take a second to think about how it looked.

"How long?" She inquired, Oliver finally looking into her eyes with a sad breath. "Since the day after you brought me to King's Arm."

"And you didn't tell me because?"

"Well.. he asked me not too." He couldn't tell whether it was hurt or anger on her face. Or even a mixture of both. "And you saw nothing wrong with that?" She laughed dryly, "You should be smarter than that Ollie." Not sparing him another glance before she left with her hair swaying on her back.

Leaving Oliver to drown himself in regret as it finally dawned on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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