chapter 18; trust me

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You and Squad Levi made their way through the markets of Trost

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You and Squad Levi made their way through the markets of Trost. The city's streets were bustling more than usual, due to the anniversary of the King's coronation. Extra rations were being given out to the people, which caused the city to come out in celebration.

Food stalls and merchants littered the sidewalks each selling a wide variety of wares. The smells of all different kinds of dishes made your stomach growl. Children ran past, laughing and playing, their hands sticky with treats. The colors and sounds of the market were almost overwhelming

However, there was no time to stop and join the festivities. Your cover as Caroline Langley had been blown, and there were currently multiple people who wanted your head on a silver platter. You don't know how it got leaked, but because of it, Commander Erwin had been taken into custody and you felt personally responsible.

You tightened your grip on the straps of your pack in guilt as you trailed near the back of the group. You moved swiftly through the crowd, keeping your head low and your senses on high alert. Every face seemed to turn towards you with suspicion, every shadow a potential threat. Connie must have noticed your strange behavior because he slowed down his pace to walk beside you.

"I know you probably think Erwin's arrest is your fault, but it's not. None of this is your fault. The Military Police were going to arrest him one way or another." He said, nudging you. "If it wasn't for helping to hide you, then it would have been for something else."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You said, only partially believing him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," you replied, though only partially convinced.

"Oi," Levi called out, causing both of you to look up. He had stopped in his tracks to address you, his expression serious. "Keep up, our enemy could be anywhere. Adeline, you of all people should be on your guard. They may want Eren and Historia alive, but they want you dead. Don't think they'll show any mercy." His words, while stern, lacked the cold tone they had carried in the past month. Maybe your talk with him yesterday had softened him a little.

You nodded, "I'll be careful."

Levi's eyes lingered on you for a moment longer before he turned and continued leading the way. The narrow alleyways and bustling side streets offered no comfort as you moved through Trost.

He was right. Right now, all the Scouts were fugitives. In an effort to draw out their plan to kidnap Eren and Historia, Levi had ordered Jean and Armin into disguises, posing as the real Eren and Historia while the actual pair were being transported through another part of the city. You were expecting an ambush at any minute.

The group continued to weave through the market, keeping a eye out for any suspicious activity. Things were going well so far, but that did nothing to set your mind at ease. You felt a chill run down your spine as you noticed a few unfamiliar faces lingering too long in the shadows. Were they enemies? Or just curious civilians?

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