Chapter 7

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Table for Two - Abel Korzeniowski


I suppressed the impulse to take a deep breath as she crossed her arms.

I would have liked to avoid the conversation; however, I knew trying to escape would do me no good.

Even though she looked at me firmly, I noticed the pain behind her rock-like expression. She averted her eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Listen, Adrien, this can't go on, I..."

With a determined look, she turned to look at me again.

"Why did you upload that damn selfie a few days ago?"

Her voice was snappy, and I understood her anger, but I couldn't apologize for it. It was the selfie that we took over half a year ago. At that time, we had escaped from an anniversary party quite drunk and went to a pub down the street for a little while. It had been easier to suppress certain things back then.

Kagami grabbed the bridge of her nose with an anxious, controlled hand.

"Adrien, this is not helpful under any circumstances, we have to finally get this straight," she demanded firmly. I knew how much this was already weighing on her mind, but there was no other way.

Nonchalantly, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then do it, but consider our image and the press."

Basically, I didn't care what was written about me in second-rate tabloids, however, I liked to avoid unnecessary conflict with my father.

Grimacing, Kagami bit her lip.

"I know. But I don't have the energy anymore to have to justify myself to Pierre all the time. It's only a matter of time before even he has reached his limits if we can only ever meet in secret. And I really don't want to lose him."

Her voice became more fragile. I kind of felt sorry for her in a way, but it was her own fault, too.

"I understand, but I don't want people to get suspicious," I explained dully. "That would be just as bad. It'll seem weird if we suddenly stop posting photos together."

Kagami closed her eyes and took a deep breath with collected effort.

"On the contrary, Adrien. There's no point in you just posting old pictures. It only makes you look even more suspicious."

Quietly, I let the air slide out of my lungs. This issue sucked so much.

"Do you have the guts to tell your mom?"

Her gaze stiffened, which was answer enough for me.

There you go. End of discussion.

Of course, I was aware that we were still officially together. But unlike Kagami, I wasn't unnecessarily creating problems that weren't there before. Besides, our parents thought our relationship made sense.

The beginning of our romance had been quite simple. My father had forced me into it, but since I had nothing left to lose anyway, I got involved with Kagami. Surprisingly, I got to be with her relatively quickly, because she had made it pretty easy for me at the time. Only at this point I had noticed how much she had fallen for me. But the fun only lasted a few months because, over time, she realized that I was an emotional wreck and completely incapable of having a relationship. Considering the fact that a year ago she had fallen around my neck at every little gesture, she quickly evolved into her deliberate, detached self.

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